miramonte high school cheerleader killed

Her BFF said the same exact thing abour Kirsten The actual murder took place in June 1984. She dont remember her incidents, others embarrassed themselves by wanting to be the center of attention. Youre going off the crappy movie. Also, Im flattered by the attention you gave me on the blog. No one owes anyone a thing. Joe Kosla, where are you? I got cut off before I had a chance to say anything else. She was rushed to the hospital by ambulance as police secured the scene. The following morning, a cold, blustery day, Bernadette gave her mother a letter and asked her not to open it for half an hour. Im still scrolling through your crazed obsession. 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I cant tell you if every single one of them get together, I know lots do. I didnt know Kirsten but a friend of mine knew her well, she was a (Bubbly) girl and yes she was (self absorbed) what teen girl isnt. Photos with blue: From the Ladies Home Journal original article; Photo 2: Kirsten Costas in Washington DC in October 1981 (from the editors personal collection). No one really cares why. This poor girl never got to grow up and experience life all because some horrible, disturbed girl murdered her. Kirsten, and D and Ms Stuff were the Life of a Party. So Bernadette helped her out to gain acceptance. Word around town was that K was stabbed 18 times. We were never the same after that, Miramonte was never the same after that. I couldnt tell you if she was a snob or not. I think a lot of people would have found Bernadettes plan to lure them out of their house under false pretences very disconcerting and would be angered over it like Kirsten appears to have been. Kirsten and Bernadette were both well off. LP was a lot like Kirsten. So tragic that Kirsten was brutally murdered. Lemme tell all of you a little something because I lived and breathed the entire lifestyle of growing up in orinda and knew both Bernadette and kirsten. Kirsten didnt really Bully Bernadette, some of the other girls there did Bully her a little. But we didnt care because our parents raised us not to be needy of anyones friend ship. So, I dont know, I just felt bad., She said that Kirsten, Just sort of put me down I remembered one time on the ski trip we were on together. So I would say to any bully, we all have our weaknesses,. Theres way to much in Life than to be spending it chasing someone around over 30 years ago the justice system failed, its just pointless. If so, sweetie I want to meet you. You will think positive then allow being moved by what ppl say or do. Changing your name does not change your being, by the way. This girl wanted to be accepted but was met with several failures, including failing to make the yearbook staff. Missy didnt start fights just stood her ground. Her one friend in the group changed, she now fights for womens right. Cause Kirsten was friends with most people who were (popular) and Bernadette wanted to be included in that so badly.. Kirsten wasnt a bully at all. No other word. After her release, she moved to another state and changed her name. Like Missy Availa a girl said Missy was the meanest girl she ever met, and her worst bully ever. Much more middle class. Whats been done has been done. Like Missy Availa saying she was roughish and wild and Loose, didnt give Karen Severson and Laura Doyle any right to murder her either. The script for the movie was written by Randall Sullivan who wrote the one-sided scathingly critical Death of a Cheerleader article for Rolling Stone, which the movie was based on. This is when the case went to the FBI. As I wrote in a previous comment to you above rupaul/joy, if there was evidence of Kirsten bullying Bernadette, she would have given examples which would have strengthened her case and possibly portrayed her as a sympathetic character. You dont know whether or not Kirsten had to go without anything. i dont want to hear poor bernadette was bullied no she had mental issues. Bernadettes parents also left Orinda, but its unknown if they left the state of California. The only incident Bernadette recounted was a remark Kirsten made about her skis. We are no longer in the 80 s and never will be again. People make their own reputation and choices in life whether they are bad or good. So I can tell you kids in these upper class schools are not angels and theyre raised not to be by their parents, who were the same way when they were in school. Dont let that Sweet Melancholy fool anyone, she was not that unless you were in the group. You guys are kidding yourselves. Maybe her parents should have raised her better. She was not some vulnerable lost soul who was bullied mercilessly. is it really about wealth, splendour etc? Nurturers dont kill people. A number of people have called saying they think they have seen the suspect. Snotty people blamed her publicly and without mercy.. shame on them, you know who you are. The senior Vice President is still to be determined. By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man; body, mind and spirit. ~ Mahatma Gandhi. Bernadette concocted a plan to get Kirsten out of her house and it appears that Kirsten got annoyed when she discovered that Bernadette lied to get her out of her house alone. The priests were rapist. A popular 15-year-old high school cheerleader described as an "All American girl" was stabbed to death on a neighbor's doorstep, apparently by another teenage girl. Still no one deserves to die. Everyone has an Opinion guess we will never know unless we truly knew them, and not Berns friends or Sisters who Comment bad stuff about Kirsten, of course they wont tell the true facts. I hear she disguised herself when she comes to Orinda wears shades over her eyes, and lives behind a long lane (mom does). It was only a matter of time before she d get caught so she came forth. Her biggest desire was to be liked and succeed, just like Kirsten. Most people would find that bizarre and off-putting and would certainly not deserve to be killed over it. Kirsten was mostly nice to Everyone, so she had a few people she didnt like, we all have. Oakland Tribune Wednesday, September 5, 1984, Oakland Tribune Saturday, October 6, 1984. You can also get our free newsletter, follow us on Facebook & Pinterest. Bernadette should of gotten 25 to life for that Crime. A few more saying they didnt fit in and refuses to come to Reunions, I say you dont want to come then dont. My friend was surprised it was Bernadette who murdered Kirsten! Oh Im sure they so love having thier names and business displayed for the World to see. A couple of them did, Bern just looked the other way. It wasnt about jealousy, the blond girl has a mental disorder. People who are spouting off on Kirsten are either Rejects, or friends or family of (Bernadette). Naturally, you might be wondering if that is the case here. Bernadette her family says she is suffering from Depression maybe karma collecting. There were several bullied as I said before. She didnt care wheather her mom or dad suffered, she just would not subject herself to something like suicide because she loves herself more then anyone else. (Yes at times) Kirsten teased Bernadette, but they were still mutually acquainted Bernadette never could figure out why she thought she was a Bullied failure. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You obviously are very contradicting since from gathering what the Hollywood movie has told you if Kirsten was truly a witch, then, Bernadette was a bigger idiot since she wanted to befriend such a person to begin with. Lots of her classmates are out of State and moved on, maybe you all should as well, Bernadette isnt even around, leave her alone, the past is gone its not coming back ever. Oh please bet you were t any better. Newspaper headlines from the real-life Death of a Cheerleader story: The Kirsten Costas murder (1984). You are disturbing and evil by stating that death was too good for Kirsten, an innocent victim of a brutal murder. No right to murder. Also, HELL NO Bernadette was not cuter, or prettier then Kirsten. The goth was actually into New Wave music and was not goth people at the school just thought she was weird for dying her hair New Wave because it was such a conservative school. Was Bernadette fragile when her behaviour was reported to not have changed after Kirstens murder? Kristen had it well deserved. A 16-year-old girl was convicted Wednesday of second-degree murder in the stabbing death of a classmate she feared was about to tell schoolmates that she was "weird.". We all have a breaking point. I cant picture Kirsten being Mean or Rude, so hard to picture that one. That child was a nightmare to her peers and friends (lets not forget how much she disrespected them every day). The future is right around the corner, its a waste to go after someone cause the law didnt do their job. Her attacker was Bernadette Protti; both girls were 15 . Bernadette is no more and she doesnt exist anymore, so why keep bringing up the past, my goodness look at the times the World is in now. Shes on the East Coast last I heard, I hear shes fine health wise, and some say she wasnt feeling well awhile back, not sure why, shes mellowed out a lot through the years. Kirsten wont grow out of hers, Bernadette took that chance from her. Beauty and the Beast and D are still the Life of a Party at times, esp Reunions. When Kirsten approached the Pinto she looked inside and said blandly, Oh, its you.. She should have been happy With the circle of friends and family she had. Admin Garret. I hear she was Caddy and Stuck up, I dont even know if thats true, but she wasnt a Bully. Lol the people saying bernadette was better looking and Kristen had it coming, oh boyhoping your not the ugly neighbor living on my block and lurking in my bushes. Bernadette is a Pig. I think she wanted to be part of the elite click. She fit in and was as popular as Kirstens 2 close friends (Diane and Stacy), Bernadette wanted more. However, things got weird when Kirsten realized that Bernadette's invitation was of a second-hand nature, and she wouldn't want to go to a party where she wasn't invited first-hand. Im not saying Kirsten was totally innocent, for it takes 2, but to Murder in Cold blood. How tragic she was murdered over basically nothing. Wish someone who knew facts would tell us about the real events leading up to Kirstens death. The murderer named Bridget Moretti was played by Aubrey Peeples. She also took enough courses through a local community college to graduate with an associate in arts degree. They had Bernadette as a suspect and only give her a lie detector test? Basically ,she liked everybody. Nobody was all that nice to each other because that was the culture parents included even more so than the kids. I just read on You tube on her recipe Video where she is sick now. Although Bernadette was also well off, like most people in Orinda, she was not happy with her family. Karma is catching up with her, thats why she has all these haters and has to watch her back anywhere she goes. Well 1st off Kirstens home on Orchard Rd was nice, but no Mansion like the Movie portrays a nice Ranchstyle home. Bernadette planned everything down to the last detail, even telling Kirstens Mum to ask Kirsten not to tell anyone about the supposed dinner that night. Bernadette even tried to point her finger at Joanna as the one who killed Kirsten. Elaine, who was studying the Bible, set her kitchen timer and resumed reading. The juvenile code dictates a sentence of confinement to the age of 25. The only apparent witness to the killing told reporters that he and his wife were playing pinochle in their home with neighbors in nearby Moraga when Kirsten, looking frightened, came to their door and asked to use the phone to call her parents. She had taken Kirsten out in her car, where the latter felt that Bernadette had gone weird. A popular 15-year-old high school cheerleader described as an All American girl was stabbed to death on a neighbors doorstep, apparently by another teenage girl. School is what you make of it, bullying goes on all the time no reason to Murder over that, Kirsten would of grown out of it by now even if she was a bully. However, we should leave our readers with the thought that if Bernadette had committed the crime today, she would not have gotten off as easily as she did back in 1985. Stuck up she was, no Bully. 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If Bernadette had considered Kirstens familys feelings at all, she wouldnt have stolen Kirsten from them by brutally murdering her. Now that you know, have fun looking around! The school was a freak show. They were ususally strange. They grow out of it as they get older. Ms Bunch and McDonald (proving I knew them) were not mean like that just self absorbed. Notable Alumni. Setting up a fake meeting and lying about a Party is Strange and Weird. Alex offered to drop Kirsten home, as the Pinto followed. 3 decades later thats ridiculous. But you are not making her case by behaving like a bully yourself. Probaly the one who gave details on all those bullied girls at Miramonte. Firstly, Bernadette is an insentient and abhorrent human being. You never give examples of what Kirsten did. Donnah Winger murder case: What happened to convict Mark Winger? I also was in a school where most others came from two income families and most of the parents were accountants, lawyers or doctors. The Petaluma Argus-Courier Tuesday, June 26, 1984, San Francisco Examiner Thursday, June 28, 1984, San Francisco Examiner Friday, June 29, 1984. Even Bernadette was to I bet. Her house too, apparently had paint peeling off, and was not the type of place she imagined herself to be living in. Lisa Thorner: 5 interesting facts about Damon Wayans' ex-wife. No right to Murder a person. She was convicted in 1985. I believe they wouldnt allow you to read if you were in a group with them, thats there Nature towards people who they feel superior to. Seems like alot of a holes justifying others that are a holes sorry no justification theres no reason to act like an a hole young or old, you treat all ppl with respect and the way you yourself would like to be treated dont need parents or Bible school to learn morality, any person who trust to justify any bad behavior has no morality or class in my opinion, and theres a post somewhere that says girls went along with bullying so they werent the ones being bullied lol, what a sad excuse thats called being a coward and a follower and has nothing to do with popularity depending on what ones warped definition is of popularity its not how a person looks or what they have or how they act but how they are perceived by what they do by inspiring ppl its being admirable and nothing is admirable about acting like trash talking scans that need to put others down to feel better about themselves thats just lowlives that probably pick on the handicaps as well real big of them, thats no one by definition that I popular some ppl must have thier definition all messed up and who says theyre popular anyway them lol Im sure every group thought they were the special ones, but by lowering ones level to picking on other ppl harassing demeaning and taunting them eventually theyre going to come across the wrong ppl who dont take that bs, and Im not justifying murder but it takes more than a bad comment on a pair of boots to push someone to that point, Im sure she didnt share all of the abuse she was subjected to, but I definitely compare scum that target other ppl to feel better about themselves like the leader of the holocaust and if thousands or plausibly millions werent followers of some psycho with an inflated ego than millions of ppl would have never been tortured or murdered all because scum bags like the ones that come up with excuses for bad behavior cant stand up for whats right because theyre pathetic loosers that are too afraid to stand up for whats right and they ate no better those ppl who did nothing and followed hitler were all conspirators and complicit and there are a multitude of cases just like that which is why ppl need to stop with there warped sense of wanting to belong to some misfit group that is the furthered thing from what is popular is really all about. Hostile people do. They were stuck up I didnt hate them, maybe they were misunderstood. Wouldnt she have something smaller, like a paring knife? Kirsten and Bernadette were both friendly and nice girls. In the end, the wannabe cheerleader was found guilty of second degree murder, with the judge rejecting the idea that the murder was premeditated. That wasnt right, but when you run loose people think youre asking for it. (Kirsten sure didnt), Saying bullies need to get what they deserve. Many people know about Bernadette's infamous story, but what about her personality? If you werent Popular she looked down on you just as bad as Kirsten did. You need to get help for that, sweetie. You have no one to blame but yourselves for being unnattractive, fat, disliked, broke loserswhatever your issues are. Can you give examples of Kirsten degrading others and thinking she is better than everyone? READ MORE: The real death of a cheerleader story (1985). Would you say the same if Bernadette did suicide? Kirstens friends dont sit and discuss Morbid depressing stuff to start with. The father was so ignorant and submerged in his cars he didnt even notice his daughters pain and problems. Was Bernadette fragile when she took Catechism classes with one of the accused girls and would have no doubt seen the emotional toll being falsely accused of murder would have taken on the girl, yet she acted like nothing was amiss. Cant tell you fi shes still married. The Homecoming Court was as popular (if not more) popular than Kirsten. If you ever saw Saved by the Bell the new Class Lindsey on that show reminded me a lot of what Kirsten was like. First, she never made it to the cheerleading team and did not make it to the yearbook staff. I was a 1985 highschool graduate.i had skipped a grade so my classmates were more mature physically and socially. The only freak in this tragic story is Bernadette. It weirded Kirsten out. She was then driven to an empty car- park at night and was justifiably angry with Bernadette over it. With all this Corona Virus going around, none of that matters, it was 36 years ago, maybe LP or whoever moved on with her life. Notably, it was Bernadettes own confession that sealed the case against her. Kirsten was beautiful. How? She could be mean, in fact, I could see her getting mean before I could see Kirsten. Shame on you. The real death of a cheerleader story (1985), PS: If you liked this article, please share it! First, an assumedly innocent girl murdering her schoolmate got people by surprise. Many left hand-written notes, flowers, candles and white. To much at stake in the World than to be worrying about something that happened decades ago. She must have really had a low opinion of herself!! You could see if from down the hallway," said one Miramonte student who went to school with Luca. Did Kirsten deserve to die over it. The Costas family is no longer mad and moved on so why cant you? Kirsten was also described as Cute, funny and full of Life, and Bern took that Life. Bernadette isnt coming anyway, she is not well anymore. She may be dead by now or have this bad Virus. But to say Bernadette was a Sweet girl. Probally Berns Relatives saying all that, or, very close friends. Theres other Measures to take other than Murder. She deserves it. Maybe they were misunderstood, I didnt hate any of them, I just got the feeling they looked down on me, and didnt feel as though I belonged. First published on November 19, 2018 / 6:32 PM. But to portray her as a Mean girl teen is off limits to the real Kirsten. Yes, Death of a Cheerleader is based on a true story. Yes its ok to talk, but run it into the ground, it gets old after awhile. And anyone messed with one of us they had to take on all of us. I knew there were girls who didnt like Kirsten not sure why, we all cant get along with everybody. Bernadette lived in a bigger house than Kirsten, and family had just as much money as the Costas family, if not more. Kirsten from what I heard was arrogant and self absorbed, but no bully, just a typical teen girl who didnt deserve to die even if she was a bully. Who cant see that part? To bad Kirsten didnt get a chance to grow up and grow out of it. She loved School. She slaughtered a girl. Like I said, Ms.Stuff, D and Beauty and the Beast, today could be the Life of the Party if they wanted to be. It shocked everyone in the small community where crimes were something to be read about. Is it difficult to understand why a person might not respect the opinion of someone else who supports a murderer? Even her childhood BFF cant forgive her for such a Horrible Act, if it was drugs or Alcohol she was I. Santa Rosa Press Democrat Monday, June 25, 1984, Roseville Press-Tribune Monday, June 25, 1984. Interesting. The girl who said Missy Availa was the meanest girl she ever knew and was her Worst Bulky, youre no better, let the dead rest. Bernadette protti longed to be popular and she decided to kill an innocent person just because she couldnt have things get way.thats sad. She should of just beat her up, that would of stopped her. I cant live if it is known. She wasnt mean or that just high maintenance. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! I believe the conversation was very bizarre to, about desperation of a friendship. Really? For legal reasons, we will not publish her name in this article, or the comments. Until something happens. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? For murder! Who killed Stacey in Death Of A Cheerleader? Those girls like Chris she hung with has changed, theyre not like they were in school, Kirsten would of changed also as she got older. 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Kirsten was described as a cheerful girl by classmates, and I do believe for the most part, she got along with most her classmates and school mates. Bernadette was a Snob also, she only wanted to hang with the incrowd, if you were nothing she didnt talk to you anymore than she had to. I was raised to treat others with respect. Her mother drove her to the sheriff's office, where she made a full confession. She did well in school academically, had plenty of friends, her close friends genuinely cared about her, she was described as popular in her own wayand she was invited to join an exclusive sorority club. You are a sick minded individual to perpetuate that lie about Kirsten, but I suppose its easier for you and your ilk to criticize a dead teenager because she its not like she can defend herself, is it? It doesnt sound as if Kirsten bullied Bernadette, other than the one comment about her ski gear. I dont care what anyone says to another person, it does not give you the right to kill them. Whoever DD is of Kirsten and them didnt like her, its cause she probably acted (Weird) around them. But Miramonte was what you made of it, I wasnt Popular, but I got along esp, with Kirsten and her group. Bernadette later wrote a letter to her parents confessing to the murder. That leaves only the knife and whether its true or not a witness corroborated the girls account. Kirsten teased Joanna and Joanna got it all wrong to. You get on here and write comments all day long, repeating yourself over and over and over again.

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miramonte high school cheerleader killed