oregon child welfare staff directory

7-28-05 CWP 117-2018, temporary amend filed 11/26/2018, effective 11/26/2018 through 05/24/2019 (b) of this section, and actions outlined in subsection (f) of this section would not comply with the required timelines, the CPS worker may take the child into protective custody without a court order only for the period of time necessary to ensure the medical assessment is conducted, as described in ORS 419B.023 and OAR 413-015-0455. extremely helpful. The CPS worker must also make arrangements for medical examination for mild or moderate physical trauma. CWP 10-2022, amend filed 06/23/2022, effective 07/01/2022 All other supplemental information must be cross reported within a time frame that ensures the receipt of the information no later than 10 calendar days after the information was received. History: (B) Sexual exploitation, including the use of a child or young adult in a sexually explicit way for personal gain, for example, to make money or in exchange for goods or services, such as food, drugs, status, or housing. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 (A) Whenever practicable, the CPS worker must interview both parents and caregivers in person, as outlined in OAR 413-015-0422. CWP 108-2018, amend filed 09/17/2018, effective 09/17/2018 CWP 3-2007, f. & cert. While intervention is not required for the child to be safe, it is reasonable to determine that short-term, targeted services could reduce or eliminate the likelihood that the negative impact will occur. History: ef. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015 & ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 The purpose of the face-to-face contact and interview with the alleged victim is to gather information regarding possible abuse, gather information about the alleged victims functioning and vulnerability, and assess immediate safety. ef. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 181.537, ORS 409.050 & ORS 418.005 relative caregivers! ef. Guess I need to drive back to Eugene and stand in a line after all. 12-24-14 This would be a voluntary placement that does notaffect a parents custodial rights anddoes notinvolve the child dependency legal system. ef. CWP 51-2018, amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 The CPS worker must also make arrangements for medical examination for mild or moderate physical trauma. (ii)Ask the child identified as an alleged perpetrator questions to determine if the child is alleged victim of abuse. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 ef. (iv) When the CPS worker is denied access to the alleged victim or to the alleged victim's residence, the CPS worker must, if the referral indicates the alleged victim may be unsafe, request assistance from LEA in assessing the situation and in taking protective custody if needed. ef. Public Guardian:503.988.4567 CWP 51-2018, amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 to the alleged victim's parents, including a non-custodial legal. (a) The screener must complete documentation immediately when: (A) A report of abuse is assigned a within 24 hour response timeline; or. Students can receive a maximum of $5,000 through the OSAC and financial aid awarding process. ef. OAR 413-015-0300 to 413-015-0310 explain when and how a report of abuse received by Child Welfare or a law enforcement agency is cross reported. The North/Northeast Office serves seniors and people with disabilities living in Multnomah County north of Burnside, east of the Willamette River and west of 82nd Avenue. Contact Information for Local and County Child Welfare Agencies. CWP 7-2008, f. 6-27-08, cert. (D) A child-caring facility as described in ORS 418.950. CWP 10-2022, amend filed 06/23/2022, effective 07/01/2022 CWP 105-2018, temporary amend filed 09/11/2018, effective 09/11/2018 through 02/28/2019 Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015, ORS 419B.015, ORS 419B.020 & ORS 418.205 -418.327 CWP 57-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 Oregon Department of Human Services welcomes the Family First Prevention Services Act implementation as an opportunity to support our ongoing transformation effort by promoting innovations and flexibility in funding prevention services. (7) The screener must close the report at screening if one of the following subsections applies: (a) The screener determines that information received: (A) Does not constitute a report of abuse and the screener determines that the information describes behaviors, conditions, or circumstances that pose a risk to a child; or. (B) Is a historical report of abuse and the screener determines that alleged perpetrator is deceased and the death of the alleged perpetrator was unrelated to the report of abuse. CWP 20-2015, f. & cert. (3) The completion of the CPS assessment must not interfere with the timely development of the initial case plan as required in OAR 413-040-0010 when Child Welfare is granted temporary custody of the child during the CPS assessment. History: ef. CWP 23-2016, f. & cert. CWP 52-2018, temporary amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 through 12/25/2018 unemployment benefits, SNAP availability, and educational resources can be (C) An out-of-home initial safety plan or out-of-home ongoing safety plan is required when any of the in-home safety plan criteria outlined in (B)(i) through (iv) above are not met. This includes, but is not limited to: (A) Unusual or bizarre forms of punishment; (E) Unusual or bizarre behavior that is indicative of emotional problems. Chronic neglect is a persistent pattern of family functioning in which the parent or caregiver does not sustain or meet the basic needs of a child resulting in an accumulation of harm that can have long term effect on the child's overall physical, mental, or emotional development. CWP 2-2010(Temp), f. & cert. CWP 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2019, effective 04/08/2019 through 10/01/2019 In order to gather sufficient information to make those determinations, face-to-face contact with the parent or caregiver may be required. The CPS worker, in consultation with the CPS supervisor, must consider whether protective custody is necessary to manage child safety prior to the shelter hearing. Find out more at Department of Human Services. CWP 9-2017, f. 8-5-17, cert. abuse & neglect publications, Delegation of Expenditure Authority Policy, Child (2) Addressing prior allegations that have not been assessed because Child Welfare was unable to locate the family. CWP 24-2017, temporary amend filed 12/29/2017, effective 01/01/2018 through 06/29/2018 (2) Case management related information must be documented in Child Welfares electronic information system case notes, or if applicable, provider case notes. a subjectively and objectively reasonable belief, given all of the circumstances and based on specific and articulable facts. (a) Abandonment, including parental behavior showing an intent to permanently give up all rights and claims to the child. Case Management for Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities:503.988.3658 (B) Provide the information to law enforcement. History: (5)When a screener has reasonable cause to believe the alleged perpetrator is an employee of any program, office, or division of the Department or OYA, the screener must consult with a screening supervisor. (b) Does not continue or remain in place after the CPS assessment is complete. (A) And the adult victim is not alleged to be a perpetrator of abuse, consider interviewing the alleged adult victim first; and. 2-12-10 thru 8-11-10 (4) "Caregiver" means a guardian, legal custodian, or other person acting in loco parentis, who exercises significant authority over and responsibility for a child or young adult. CWP 13-2014(Temp), f. & cert. CWP 73-2018, minor correction filed 07/05/2018, effective 07/05/2018 CWP 51-2018, amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 CWP 17-2014, f. & cert. ef. CWP 16-2005, f. & cert. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015, ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 & ORS 419B.026 ef. When there is a joint response involving a CPS worker and LEA staff, the CPS worker is still responsible for all of the activities necessary to complete a CPS assessment, which are summarized in OAR 413-015-0400. CWP 52-2018, temporary amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 through 12/25/2018 (D) When a CPS worker receives notification from a screener that a closed at screening or new referral was created on an open CPS assessment; (E) Prior to a decision to place a child in protective custody, or after placement if consultation before placement will delay the safety intervention; (F) Prior to initiating court action, or after initiating court action if consultation before will delay the safety intervention; (G) Prior to developing an initial safety plan in a home certified by Child Welfare, ODDS, or OYA; (H) When the referral involves a child fatality; (I) When making a disposition in a complicated or sensitive situation or case; or, (J) When closing a CPS assessment with the disposition of "unable to locate.". ef. (a)As provided in ORS 419B.028, a law enforcement officer or the CPS worker may take photographs for the purpose of documenting the child's condition at the time of the third party CPS assessment. CWP 24-2007(Temp), f. 12-31-07, cert. (ii) When the child or young adult is in the custody of Child Welfare that they may have their attorney present. (J) Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs). Unfortunately there were signs on the door saying they only mail them now. (a) If the report involving a home certified by Child Welfare, is referred for a CPS assessment, the assigned CPS worker must convene a staffing before making initial contact unless the timing of the staffing will compromise child or young adult safety. (D)Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS). Even if they had to leave college due to COVID-19, they may still be eligible for funds. children and families, and youth and families with severe emotional/mental (4) Documentation. The CPS worker must, in consultation with a CPS supervisor, determine whether to coordinate assessment activities with LEA in the following situations: (i) Present danger. Who is creating or allowing the threat; (b) What. (b) When a report of abuse is received by a law enforcement agency, the law enforcement agency must cross report to Child Welfare by reporting to the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline. CWP 91-2018, minor correction filed 07/09/2018, effective 07/09/2018 CWP 120-2018, amend filed 12/03/2018, effective 12/04/2018 CWP 104-2018, amend filed 09/10/2018, effective 09/10/2018 (h) Whether the child has or may have Indian or Alaska Native heritage. The CPS worker must gather information through interview and observation about the following: (b)The circumstances surrounding the abuse; (c)Child functioning as it relates to the alleged victim and, if applicable, a minor identified as an alleged perpetrator; and. (F) As soon as possible and not later than 24 hours after learning of the exposure, make arrangements to test for chemical exposure to harmful substances when there is reason to believe a child or young adult has been exposed to dangerous chemicals such as those found in a chemical drug lab. SUN Community Schools Program Development:503.988.7425 This may include providing economic support, enhancing parenting skills, helping people with their housing needs and employment goals, providing health and behavioral services, helping treat alcohol and substance use disorders and ensuring child safety and family . CWP 46-2019, amend filed 09/27/2019, effective 09/30/2019 ef. (VII) Inform school personnel if the alleged victim is takeninto protective custody. CWP 23-2016, f. & cert. The CPS worker is required to document in the Child Welfare electronic information system efforts to locate the designated medical professional when an available physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner is used. CWP 52-2018, temporary amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 through 12/25/2018 (H) Law enforcement. History: CWP 39-2019, minor correction filed 08/06/2019, effective 08/06/2019 Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 (D) If the information is closed at screening as described in OAR 413-015-0210(4), notify the individuals listed in paragraph (E) of this subsection that the information was closed at screening. CWP 68-2018, minor correction filed 07/05/2018, effective 07/05/2018 The CPS worker must: (a)Unless Child Welfare determines disclosure is not permitted under ORS 419B.035, notify the reporter, if the reporter provided Child Welfare with contact information, whether contact was made, whether Child Welfare determined abuse occurred, and whether services will be provided. ef. ef. 10-1-15 5-27-14 (5) Additional Requirements for an Ongoing Safety Plan. (b)The CPS worker must report to or contact and work with other entities as follows: (A)Office of Training, Investigations, and Safety (OTIS). When a healthcare provider involved in the delivery or care of an infant identifies the, (14) Make monthly face-to-face contact. (8)Obtain medical assessment. (ix)The CPS worker may observe injuries to the anal or genital region if the alleged victim is not school aged and if the injury can be observed without the CPS worker touching the anal or genital region. 5-27-14 CWP 14-2004, f. 7-30-04, cert. 1-3-12 (a) Abandonment, including desertion or willful forsaking of a child or young adult, or the withdrawal or neglect of duties and obligations owed a child or young adult by a home certified by Child Welfare, a caregiver, or other person. CWP 92-2018, minor correction filed 07/09/2018, effective 07/09/2018 response to the fast-growing needs of children and families in Oregons foster Sexual exploitation also includes using children in the act of prostitution or using children to create pornography. reduced-price school meals, including youth in care, during the COVID-19 pandemic., Procedure change to immunization and vaccination policy for children in care, Cambio de procedimiento a la poltica de inmunizacin y vacunacin para nios bajo cuidado. 413-015-0804Receipt of New Information on an Open Third Party CPS Assessment. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 419B.017 & ORS 419B.015 ef. (57) "Protective custody" means custody authorized by ORS 419B.150. 8-1-04 Contact information for the Child Welfare Agency Directors in each State and Territory. CWP 3-2007, f. & cert. (ix) The CPS worker may observe injuries to the anal or genital region if the alleged victim is not school aged and if the injury can be observed without the CPS worker touching the anal or genital region. CWP 15-2008, f. 6-27-08, cert. 2-7-17 thru 8-5-17 CWP 17-2011(Temp), f. & cert. If a CPS worker believes that a personal representative would compromise the third party CPS assessment, a CPS worker may prohibit a personal representative from being present during the medical examination. (B) The OTIS is responsible for screening. 8-8-17 thru 1-28-18 CWP 24-2017, temporary amend filed 12/29/2017, effective 01/01/2018 through 06/29/2018 ef. status for benefit eligibility), Child Permanency and Adoption/Guardianship Assistance Programs Contact List, Recruitment Options for Children - Requesting Additional Services Beyond the Waiting Child Bulletin on the Oregon Adoption Resources Exchange, Out 3-20-07, 413-015-0428Identify How the Impending Danger Safety Threat is Occurring. Learn more about these resources and your eligibility., Center for Adoption Support and Education, National Child Welfare Workforce Institute, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Oregon State Police Emergency Declaration, The COVID relief and spending package passed by Congress in December 2020 has temporarily changed the awarding requirements for the Chafee Education and Training Voucher (ETV). (III)Consider requesting a worker or other support person be present to serve as a witness and provide comfort. CWP 2-2017(Temp), f. & cert. CWP 3-2007, f. & cert. Alabama In making this determination, the worker must consider whether the individual is willing and able to: (a) Assist in managing the safety of the child; (b) Cooperate with any restrictions on contact between the child and others; (c) Support, verbally and through actions, the protective action plan, initial safety plan, and ongoing safety plan; and. ef. CWP 15-2009, f. & cert. local and regional resources for food banks, housing assistance, and mental ef. CWP 3-2007, f. & cert. CWP 11-2021, amend filed 04/27/2021, effective 05/01/2021 CWP 14-2004, f. 7-30-04, cert. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 181.537, ORS 409.050 & ORS 418.005 (3) Requirements for the assessment of an individual for the purpose of ongoing connection and support with a child or certification as a relative caregiver or foster parent are not covered under these rules. CWP 24-2007(Temp), f. 12-31-07, cert. 6-15-10 thru 12-12-10 You can direct the young person to our team at. 52 Washington Street. i lost my job in early November and am down to zero on savings. 7-28-05 CWP 3-2007, f. & cert. (12) Make efforts to locate. CWP 24-2017, temporary amend filed 12/29/2017, effective 01/01/2018 through 06/29/2018 (ii) Meets the definition of abuse in OAR 413-015-0115(1)(b) of a child or young adult, unless the abuse alleged is familial. Regardless of the disposition, a copy of the completed CPS assessment must be sent to OYA after information related to the reporter's identity and other confidential information is removed. ef. CWP 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2019, effective 04/08/2019 through 10/01/2019 When the CPS worker suspects or receives a report that a crime may have been committed. CWP 35-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 (a)The only exception to completing a third party CPS assessment required by these rules (OAR 413-015-0800 to 413-015-0885) on an assigned referral is when a CPS worker, in consultation with a CPS supervisor or designee, determines that the referral does not require a third party CPS assessment because: (B)There is no longer an allegation of abuse. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 181.537, ORS 409.010, ORS 418.005, ORS 419B.020, ORS 181.537 & ORS 419B.020 CWP 10-2014, f. 5-20-14, cert. CWP 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2019, effective 04/08/2019 through 10/01/2019 If no parent or caregiver is willing or able to protect the alleged victim, the CPS worker must: (a)Immediately consult with a CPS supervisor unless doing so would compromise child safety; (b)Establish a protective action plan as outlined in OAR 413-015-0432 Develop a Safety Plan and OAR 413-015-0435, "Develop a Protective Action Plan"; (c)Refer to OAR 413-015-0850 as safety concerns must be addressed under a familial case; and. 9-1-11 thru 2-28-12 Child Welfare Information Gateway is a service of the, Author(s): Child Welfare Information Gateway, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Connecticut Department of Children and Families, District of Columbia Child and Family Services Agency, Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families, Florida Department of Children and Families Services, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Division of Adult, Children and Family Services, Kansas Department for Children and Families, Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services, Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Division for Children, Youth, and Families, New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Division of Child Protection and Permanency, New Mexico Department of Children, Youth and Families, New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Division of Child Welfare and Community Service, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, 2400 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Capitol Complex, Executive Assistant to Director of Child Welfare, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families, South Carolina Department of Social Services, South Dakota Department of Social Services, Tennessee Department of Children's Services, Associate Commissioner, Child Protective Services, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Vermont Department for Children and Families, Virgin Island Department of Human Services, Virgin Islands Department of Human Services, Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families, West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Philosophy and Key Elements of Family-Centered Practice, Family-Centered Practice Across the Service Continuum, Creating a Family-Centered Agency Culture, Risk Factors That Contribute to Child Abuse and Neglect, People Who Engage in Child Abuse or Neglect, Overview: Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Programs, Public Awareness & Creating Supportive Communities, Developing & Sustaining Prevention Programs, Evidence-Based Practice for Child Abuse Prevention, Introduction to Responding to Child Abuse & Neglect, Differential Response in Child Protective Services, Responding to Child Maltreatment Near Fatalities and Fatalities, Trauma-Informed Practice in Child Welfare, Collaborative Responses to Child Abuse & Neglect, Supporting Families With Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Introduction to Family Support and Preservation, In-Home Services Involved With Child Protection, Resources for Managers of Family Support and Preservation Services, Transition to Adulthood and Independent Living, Overview: Achieving & Maintaining Permanency, Recruiting and Retaining Resource Families, Permanency for Specific Youth Populations, Working With Children, Youth, and Families in Permanency Planning, Working With Children, Youth, and Families After Permanency, Resources for Administrators and Managers About Permanency, Children's Bureau Adoption Call to Action, Adoption and Guardianship Assistance by State, For Adoption Program Managers & Administrators, For Expectant Parents Considering Adoption and Birth Parents, Administering & Managing Child Welfare Agencies & Programs, Evaluating Program and Practice Effectiveness, ndice de Ttulos en Espaol (Spanish Title Index), National Foster Care & Adoption Directory, Child Welfare Information Gateway Podcast Series. 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oregon child welfare staff directory