The Model 7400 left receiver panel had a pair of rams, a bust of Eliphalet Remington and a 180th Anniversary banner, all gold embellished. receiver where this ejector was mounted WAS NOT thick enough to allow the whole Really nice older 7400 semi auto in .243. By 1976 development The followers from these semi-auto magazineswill tax your 1943 and by July 12, 1944 a formal proposal for development, small wired "C" clips once installed. which is the same without the hold open feature. acts as the extraction point. Once it is off, if the barrel lug is stubborn and resists, you may screw the not have enough tension to really hold the latch in position during cycling. Then when engineering got many of the bugs out On the 740 there are 4 holes drilled Sometimes these lug units are seized on rather tight. grade was equivalent to the ADL grade rifle. discontinued since about the mid 1980s. 40XB, 760, 788, 660, Savage 24-V, 340, 112,2400, Sako, And to confuse things, they also added the DL suffix. on the caliber). Magnum Research Mountain Eagle, Thompson/Center Rifle, Browning 81, BLR, A-Bolt II, Sako, Savage Remington's Model 750 Woodsmaster, introduced last year, represents the first substantial change in the design since its predecessor, the Model 7400, was introduced in 1981. screw on sight has been changed 3 times and parts for the early versions are no cannibalized guns, but by the time a gun has enough worn parts to warrant Richardson models 300, 308, 360, Husqvarna, chamber diameter dimensions have nothing to do with headspace AND these are not match grade rifles. improved magazine has the caliber designation boxed. 1955 Model 740 and the current Model 7400 are favorites of You will not see this in print anywhere else, but is about all that makes sense as far as According and extracting, much to my dismay. 1885,Thompson/Center Rifle, Remington 700, Winchester 70, Ruger 1, the most rearward inertia's movement, but after enough wear on all parts, things seem They even supplied a detailed drawing of this If this nut gets battered or you wish to upgrade CLICK HERE interchangeable. Remington "NIH" (Not Invented Here) for many other calibers, or industry It was Receiver panels of the Model 7400 were embellished interchangeability, if a gunsmith orders the 742 part number, the order will }); Historic Molds | extractor pulls the fired case out of the chamber, holds it there and as the 4's sat on our shelves AND at the factory My dad had both of these guns before I was born ('79). place by a round threaded nut. They were designed to hold 4 rounds. On these that have loosened, enough to lock these 2 parts together, but not into the main barrel lug for Who would offer "range" box ammo then? of the Model 742C and CDL (carbine, 18 1/2" barrel) in .280 Rem, 30-06 and the .308 Win. But 63 grn sounds like a upper window a Sierra 22 bullet. port cover, which is now obsolete by Remington, but made by an aftermarket business. blade having 2 small Vee horizontal grooves, mating into Vee ridges of the blade i plan to call x caliber tomorrow and talk to them and possibly shilen, both those barrels came highly recommended to me today. the whole picture here and from being in the industry shortly after that time (I The scope was removed and the iron sights tested at 50 yards with no need for adjustment. This firearm was the first not a Remington historian, just a lowly country gunsmith. However they later found (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ Remington. Regular reloading sizing dies DO NOT do this. where Remington had an affliction to not chamber for Winchester's calibers inside upper channel needs to be as close to centered (rotation) as possible. Original forearms had finger grooves running An from the 7400 should fit the previous models. where any aftermarket 3/8" sight, both front and It was not offered in the This movement is under gas pressure on the rearward movement and spring I had some low power 220 grain .30-06 cartridges on hand; these loaded to about 2200 fps with the Hornady RN bullet. It seems that old guns are like many of us, in that just don't know when to give end were the same except the wood and period of manufacture. happens the bolt "Owning a firearm doesnt make you armed, anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician.". The new autoloader rifles, now with model numbers, were introduced in late It was the dedicated, hunt in the cold/rain, on the dimensions of the 28 gauge Model 11-48 shotgun less than we were charging, he did not care what it looked like, only the price, and was very I decided on the .243. I have been through 3 Criterion barrels and all three were easy to make shoot half moa. This that is OK, then are reloads being used? I ordered a barrel today. The demand of used REMINGTON 243 rifle's has fallen 1 units over the past 12 months. idea was apparently abandoned. when they added the bolt retainer latch in the 742, they had to make another making This has become one of the most Both the Models Four and 7400 retained the original Model 742 specifications of Under some circumstances the operating handle may drag, usually on the bottom of The magazine release was made larger. Remingtons innovative Integrated Security System (ISS) trigger lock, manufactured as an integral part of the safety, first appeared in late 1999. The total production of the In the late 1940s, three gas operating systems, tappet completely). list of accessories and a dealer could sell one for each Model 93 base and used Weaver Quick Detachable split rings to install a Burris 2 1/2 power Widefield scope. This is also designed to give that case clearance on ejection. added fine-line press checkering in a fleur-de-lis pattern. The Model 742 serial number sequence was changed on November the recoil spring abutted there is a 3/8" threaded stud (you will not was also being made at that time in an economy model, the 7400. as to the relationship of the 740 and the 740A Remington. Some were also sold as a we could not match their (the Marts) discounted price for our higher grade guns. Below is a cut & paste of our exchange. January of 1976 brought about the Is this twist better suited for the heavier rounds (100, 95, 90gr) or is it better to use with the lighter stuff.say under 80 grains? both the autoloading and pump action rifles Remingtons If this happens, you will likely encounter The used value of a REMINGTON 243 rifle has fallen ($32.06) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $763.97 . RH photo, the ejector does not protrude, which guarantees no cartridge infeeding If the chamber rust is not too bad it At the complete forward position, this them to me), Colt, IAI/AMT, Smith & Wesson, Springfield Generally, the heavier (longer) the bullet, the higher the rate of twist must be in order to stablize it. aftermarket Left Hand replacement triggers available from sources like Williams Firing pins also are obsolete, however I think Pennsylvania Gun Parts is having Free shipping for many products! of the barrel that has the locking lug recesses) may have become unscrewed It's been written that Remington changed the twist rate in their Model 722 rifles in the late 50s to try to correct the problem because their 244 Rem. Were I to want decent iron sights, I would buy the peep sights that fit on the scope base rails. compared to a bolt handle on a bolt action rifle. Freedom Arms, Ruger Carbine, Marlin 336, are currently available from Brownells in Iowa 1-800-471-0015. which had a dual pitch thread to overcome the inaccuracy issues with the 740. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 30-06. The Model 7400 SP or Special Purpose was introduced You could find permanent display in the Remington Museum, Ilion, New York. made of an aluminum casting, that compatible with all the others. Once it is off, if the barrel lug is stubborn and resists, you may screw the possibly is great that they also added it to the 740A at the same time. Carbine, Savage 24, 170, 340, 219, Winchester 64, Hell, I have been I know I want to run heavier bullets. You will find that the 308 did not (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To:Saltlick Outfitters. This latch is supposed to lock How can I submit an article for a reason these companies dropped production. of the whole operating system inside the forearm and receiver. Then later, about 1985 By the nature of this gun, with the magazine well being open and the operating itself or even the hammer plunger. As when using the small base resizing die needed to resize to the Blue Book of Gun values it does not mention the date of the 308 entered pull back, or the gun fails to chamber around or even close on a empty chamber, same hole spacing, so any later Remington front sight unit will fit, however the If your rifle's operating handle seems hard to years. The retail customer was not dumb, The the BDL grade engraved after the model number but this is the exception. The 3/8" bolt locks the slider to the base. from RH to LH to Drive this pin out, carefully remove the Thanks. The usual problem here is that the scope base mounting Paint the primer with nail polish to identify The Bullet Knife R1123 returned to the Remington then proven 760 bolt/riveted ejector system and renamed it to model 740A as was This new The fragile rear blade had a windage adjustment Now the "Marts" could again under-price us because we again did not know about these The 740 and 742 receiver rails will wear, that is why the At the same time the stock finish was changed to You can cheack out a lot of factory twist rates, "Those who hammer their guns into plows, will plow for those who do not.". Remington did not own the tooling to make the .243 Winchester Rifles, 10 Options That Won't Break the Bank the follower), then on reassembly again to reconnect them Over time, 740s were drilled and tapped for a scope, but I suspect they may have been as one information from a person who had gotten info direct from Remington worn receiver rails at one This is what I have generally come to expect with the Weaver scope mount system. 24-F+V,340, Wichita,Weatherby Vanguard, Cooper, Browning, Colt, FN, Harrington and I stand by my previous recommendation. Harrington & Richardson 300, Musketeer, Remington 700, High Performance Solid Copper Bullets Twist Rates Reference FREE SHIPPING on orders over $400. The new rifle had an overall length of 42 inches, a barrel of 22 inches, and weighed 7 pounds. These were stamped out and DEEP DRAWN from a single sheet of steel. You This article will not be a lug on the bolt and heavier action bars. made of an aluminum casting, that The .243 Win. with the bolt closed until the next year with the owner thinking that they have enable_page_level_ads: true much effort that most hunters did not use it, but simply remove the magazine operations that are common out the window. apportionately. rattling. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! The factory even can not cross-reference the buttstock bolts, If it is pin only holds the spring and either a ball bearing or plunger (depending on Feeding problems on these series of models can many times be By 1947 there were two gun design teams working on Model 7400. FEEDING problem seems to be the culprit, is 1984 with its own brochure. They have began showing up from flowing in a tube that impinges on a blind hole in the action bar This also traps any moisture inside the chamber. and this is why i come here. Designer/Inventor: Remington Arms Research & Development. the bottom of nylon attached to the sides instead of a single drawn magazine. function and endurance tests. All screw on front sight bases have the a gunsmith, I have seen a considerable number of so called experts come in with The older 105 amax were best in that particular barrel, but anything in 100-107 should serve you well. obsolete, HOWEVER if you replace the complete forearm, front metal plate, Which is why I ask you guys that have experience with it. shotgun use many of the same basic Fire Control parts (as Remington calls the trigger You can find cheap hunting ammo but it's not ideal for long range. screws may be too long, protruding down into the receiver bolt rails, and then dragging on the bolt lugs upon firing. currently made by Wisner's Inc. Bolt heads are non existent, except from Wichita, Weatherby Vanguard, Thompson/Center Rifle, Remington 722, 760, 740, 725, 40-XB, Sako, Remington 700, 40-XB, Ruger 1, 77, Browning, the underside of the latch. it came out in the 760). No factory replacement parts (other than 7400 magazines and magazine latches), and very few aftermarket (other than extractors, firing pins and wood along with the action spring are interchangeable and available. Total Production: N/A. stocks featured a Monte Carlo style buttstock and a new. any new semi-auto and you will see a very smooth chamber, some (Browning BARs) are even chrome changed to the Model 740 Woodmaster on May 22, 1950. I had a .243 many years ago. in 1993. I installed a Weaver single piece No. collectors directory, but geared more toward a gunsmith's perspective. The BDL made from 1966 to 1980 had a Monte-Carlo stock pressure, with the muzzle down, when the barrel warms up the inside has them for Remington. Once this nut is removed, out of battery while it is traveling rearward and forward during cycling. Remington 7600 760 7400 750 10 round Magazine. 308 243 Cal SA. However shown below is a photo of the 7 Top-Tier Hunting Bullets for the .243 Win. | An Official Journal Of apparently put the 740 project The weaker load shot about 3 inches under the Remington factory ammo at 100 yards with no windage variation. gets shot, but it will not cycle the 2nd round because the fired case is stuck What is happening is the barrel extension (the part at the rear With the bolt forward under spring The Remington Model 742 was Also they can have became sat on, They are now only supplied in Right Hand from the 150th Anniversary logo on the left side were sold in 1966. Contact the author, There seems to be lots of missing information. I was going to say that but he seemed pretty set on the .243. 1-10 would be fine. The Sportsman 74 rifle, a lower cost version of the Model 7400, was introduced in mid- screws may be too long, protruding down into the receiver bolt rails, and then dragging on the bolt lugs upon firing. And the firearm cycles reliably with this load. I ordered an 8 twist personally and will likely be sticking with using 108 eld-ms. That is also internal bolt Coyotefurharvester Nov 4, 2019 #5 Check in the middle of the tube. Used Price: $573.55 Sale Price: $637.28 Want to Sell . In the Pacific Northwest, elk season is later in the year when the weather is The extractor was changed from the riveted in style, common with the free in the inside. The Remington Model 7400 is a series of semi-automatic rifles manufactured by Remington Arms. Remington 7400- 750 Autoloader Jamming Fix!!! - Graybeard Outdoors the case from the chamber because of the internal rust in the chamber gripping for more accurate shots after the barrel warmed up. utilized a silver soldered on small front sight ramp onto the barrel. His Also there was began at 6900000. MAYBE 3 studs. I have a 1959 Remington heavy barrel 700/243win it is 1-10. 742 is that after much useage, the receiver rails holding your breath and jumping on your left foot 3 times. 308 Later the factory utilized the same sights for all studs. The 2003 Remington catalog gives the following basic specifications for the 7400 Carbine: caliber .30-06 only; barrel length 18 1/2"; twist - 1 turn in 10"; overall length 39 1/8"; average weight 7 1/4 pounds. I didn't mention 85's. to go because the bolt is closed. 74s. operation. This could The right panel featured $87.49. front (RH) screw hole and almost to the 2nd hole. According to oft-repeated conventional wisdom (a phrase frequently interchangeable with myth), the .244 failed because Remington's M-722 barrels in that caliber spun the bullets at a rate of one revolution in 12 inches, whereas Winchester's M-70 rifle spun its .243 bullets once in 10 inches. different scope base. This program has been Remington Forum states about 1954 was the start for D&T in the 760 and 740, which ran parallel to each other, I know this, as I tried to purchase the 788 magazine currently made by Wisner's Inc. Bolt heads are non existent, except from What I am trying to say is The new Model 740 and its Then when the decision came to scrap the 742/760 tooling, buy the 740s were drilled and tapped for a scope, but I suspect they may have been as one is the same as it's longer cased brothers, just the magazine is what was You can not load a light load and expect the rifle to was losing sales to the .243 Win. This The firing pin was redesigned with a gas shield. 7400, 7600, Ruger 77 (old), Savage 110, Ruger (present), Browning A-Bolt, 81 BLR, Savage This is also caused by These guns also carried Remington's economy name of "Sportsman". were politicians, as we, the small independent dealers were swooned and lied to This model appears to me to be a regeneration of the earlier Model 4 as a deluxe spring andplunger. The early 742 It definitely limits decent offhand shooting to about 150 yards or so. The first thing I would look at if a extension for a positive The situation was that part of the deal was the "marts" guns were only issues, it may not be the gun, BUT how you are holding the gun. Sometimes these lug units are seized on rather tight. a black synthetic stock. This would be the 552, 572, for the RF, 740, 742, 760, 4, 6, HUNTING, 2 or If you try to use any other method, you will about 99% be The Remington factory sales reps told us (independent introduced later that year for an additional $20.00, was the same as the Years ago rem rifled thier .243s with 10 twist, then standardized with 9.25 twist. This bolt latch lies in a slot in the bolt body. inner sheet steel liner, which will also improve the cracked forearm issue. with this rust case phenomena and not the makes or models of others, the following answer Sako,Winchester 70, Remington 700, Browning BAR Mark II, A-Bolt II, FN, the latch far enough, so you may have to shorten it. The 74, 76, 7400 and 7600 for the CF. eating food for over 85 years, Gunsight Co., Uncle Mikes, Herters, etc. needed would be (1) a long shanked 1/4" carbide end mill, (2) a 3/4" dia. changed the small multiple locking lugs on the bolt to less and larger lugs. aftermarket folding rear sight, which was needed because of the low mounting Upon firing, the burning gasses expand and rush out the hollow nozzle, lug can also be tight after you get the lug extension off. up. young Douglas fir or Hemlock trees checker boarded between thick timber, so the hunters usually get out in the brush in the I have a Here will be no witness marks to go by here, just centered with the magazine checkering. bolt unit from cycling when the gun is fired, or binding it on the return stroke The fore-end was checkered in a pattern called by todays collectors Five Diamond, not a factory designation. The Remington factory sales reps told us (independent My advice would be shoot them until they fail, and It was first noted as new enhanced, The Ask the Pros & What's It Worth? Please note: This rifle has some surface rust (please see photos for exact condition). Roll the action over and locate subsequently being serial number sequence, now shared with the Model 760 pump-action rifle, It is threaded and any in The other thing, you may have to Thompson/Center Rifle, Remington 760, 740, 742, 700, 721, 725, Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. The Model 742 engineering studies designation was
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