do they still make chum gum

CHUM GUM ---YUM!!! In the 1940s I used to buy penny candy. so much different than that plastic crap they call bubble gum now, With flavor that lasts for five minutes if you are lucky. I miss the gum, or maybe everything about being a child in that time. I just googled chum gum to see what I could find. I had chum gum all the time. Please announce it to the world so we all can get some. If I could just go back. I loved the blue gum all, the grape and the sour apple. I felt like i was in the twilight zone or something. Wow! So, it was very odd to me that after I had not had any Brachs Red Twists for several years had even forgot about them that I was at a Speedway Gas Station on the South Side of Bloomington, Indiana. I found, on Ebay (sorry, folks, no Fleer Chum Gum for sale), an old advertisement page, from a Chicago newspaper, for a candy/novelty company from 1938. Its been around for years. Several years ago a similar item was made by Starburst in candy corn flavors, much like yours appear to be. It is such a relief to know that there are others out there that know about this gum, because when I bring it up to people they don't know what I am talking about, it is great to know you guys are out there and fans of chum gum. No one I know has heard of it! and the "record" was a piece of gum. I WANT MY WINTERGREEN CERTS BACK. We got Chum Gum from the guy in the ice cream truck. Didn't it start out with 3 or 4 sticks to a pack, then it was reduced to 2? So sad that it can no longer be found. Of the many penny candies we bought, we also bought Chum Gum. It must have been true cinnamon. That wasn't the case with Black Cat Bubble Gum. Fifty cents would get me a whole bag. How I wish.someone would bring it back before Iam gone. Also got a lot of teachers upset. You could never eat just one stick.It had and awesome flavor. Then went to 2for .01 . I used to buy Chum Gum in a little town in north Georgia. I hadnt thought about it much until a friend of mine brought up iconic candies from childhood and a quick search online trying to buy a tin of altoids left me feeling. Although the memories of those visits have faded with time, I will never forget my favorite, Chum-Gum! When she was old enough shed reach in my pocket and ask for one. Sadly, they have been discontinued as they were part of the NECCO line that disappeared when the company went bankrupt. The flavor lasts for a while as well, long after the sugar is gone. Skittles Bubble Gum. I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. Chum gum was my very favorite. it was the bubblegum of choice in my neighborhood (the harbor section of conneaut, ohio) in the 60's although i have to confess, i seldom if ever shared the second piece with any of my friends. I have enjoyed reading all the stories. Great memories. It did have a distinctive flavor and appearance.I'm from Chicago and I still look for it when I go into an old time candy store just hoping I can get a few cases of this gum that I have been bragging about for decades. The big secret of Chum Gum's great flavor was that it was stick shaped bubble gum, and each stick was coated with powdered sugar. The store (8500 Sheridan Rd.) I last had it around 1971-72 and purchased it in a little Mom & Pop store off the Fellsway in Medford, MA. Chum Gum was the best. What I wouldn't give for one stick! At her 2nd birthday party I gave her a present with no name on it, but I had a certs setting on top, she looked at it and came up to me and said thanks for the present. empty. I wish it would make a comeback. I agree with yo all! Let us all write Tootsie Pop and request its return. I appreciate Cracker Barrel for selling Clove & Teaberry but they are missing the best gum of all time, i can't believe i miss a GUM so much! The same Beech-Nut company famous for its natural baby foods used to make minty chewing gum for adults, as per CNN. It's great to hear all these stories. It seems like that happens everytime they sell something so good. The best GUM ever made. I have craved this gum for yearsand it finally hit me! Someone's got to get this gum produced again. google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; Thanks I bought a pack of "Orbit" "bubblemint" and it brought me back to Jr. Thank you Rob Lambert for the info. She did that and explained that they had been discontinued. Hmmm. Going off in washington dc I got my chum gum from the corner store next to saint theresa's school in anacostia washington dc. I am 56 years old and have been searching for it for years. Candy-coated gum from Frank H. Fleer & Co. (and later the American Chicle Company), called Chiclets, can be found in advertisements from The Saturday Evening Post going back to 1906. OMG I cant believe all the others looking for chum gum, I agree the best ever. And I swear as God is my witness that my first reaction was OMG, this stuff tastes just like CHUM GUM!!! We had Chum Gum in Dallas Texas in the 60's. Don't think were the only ones out here moaning about the want for more of it! Oh, and I'm also from the great windy city of Chicago! Your article shows one picture with a blue wrapper. She liked them so much that was spent that evening driving to different gas stations to find this product and after a few hours of driving around found two more packages at a Hucks in Orleans, Indiana. I used to buy it in Burbank, Illinois, where I grew up. I grew up in the 50's and use to sit on the river bank and blow away, while watching the St. Lawrence Seaway being built. I bought it at many places in Harford County, Maryland. Butternut candy bar. Please help I love them. I remember then from the 60s. In one . This, along with stiff competition, meant a slow demise (and desire) for Chum Gum as the 1960s passed, quietly disappearing by the end of 1971. . Then I'd spit it out in Mrs. McCaffery's bushes next door, so I wouldn't get a different kind of chewing from Mom as I walked through the front door. If anyone finds where to get this, please let us all know. google_alternate_color = "E7F0EB"; My company was stationed 60 klicks from our battalion headquarters in Schweinfurt. IF ANYONE KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, I WOULD APPRECIATE THE INFO. Does anyone remember how good the candy lipsticks were, the ones they make now are nothing like the ones we could getOh to be young and free again..miss those days. I buy them for my mother, they are exactly the same is the marathon, even the same braided shape. My big sis and I would sneak down to the candy store after school and load up on penny candy. I used to buy it at either Anne's or Barney's corner candy stores that were on the corners of Herbert Spencer School in Chicago in the late '50's and early '60's. Certs. Yeah man, I used to go to North Ward School on 4th Street and we'd go to Tussey's Drug Store. Hopefully the maker will produce again. That being said, it was made by the same company that created Dubble Bubble, Bazooka, and several other similar gums. As to whether they sold the formula for Mint Juleps remains to be seen. Chew one and give one to a Chum. I agree with Dee, #8 from 1-14-15. Simple times! I'm 43 YeArS OlDi hAvEn'T SeEn cHuM GuM/oR TaStEd iT SiNcE I WaS lIkE,sIx yEaR's oLd!! I would betcha that no other beer in Europe or anywhere on planet tasted like that stuff. Brock's (not Brach's) candy puffs (very soft, melt in your mouth candy balls) Bonkers Fruit Chews. I'm 52 and it was my daily habit after school in East Los Angeles back in the 60's. This Lane Tech grad (1970) enjoyed this gum for years - and wish some company would re-make it. I was engaged and my fianc was in the Air Force. I loved it as a kid. I cant live without them. when i was younger, my adoptive father would always take me to get my hair cut at this really just awful barbers salon. I AM 61 YEARS OLD AND HAVE NEVER HEARD OF CHUM GUM! Never been anything close to how good it was. Please correct me if Im wrong, I was little back then, and its what I had imagined it was. When my Mom passed away, my sister and I were recalling the days when we were kids and unbelievable, but we spoke about the Chum Gum and how we'd fight over that dang stuff! It was the best! always had that powder coating on it. Do you think we could start a fan club???? I have looked everywhere including retro candy shops and couldnt find them. As someone said, the flavor didn't last long but the gum had so much elasticity and blew the best bubbles ever. But, yes, Chum Gum was great. The flavor lasted ALL DAY. Get up in My tree house and eat it all. Popped it hours. google_color_bg = "E7F0EB"; I grew up in Danville, Californiasmall town, still relatively small, and the local 5 and dime store had it. I too have yearnd for Chum Gum. There are still wrappers that you can find online though, if the nostalgia is something that appeals to you. Chum Gum was the best gum in the world. He instead focused solely on Dubble Bubble, much to his success. (StEvEn iN BoStOn). I'm 38yrs.old and only found it in Woolworth stores in the Chicago area.I can still taste that juicy soft flavor in my BUDS.Hope a manufactor can bring our good old CHUM GUM back!!!!!! I would sure like a piece right now. Always had a stash of candy and gum to go back to the school. Fleer needs to start making it again. Chum gum was always 2 sticks to a pack & it goes back to at least the mid 50s. was 3 sticks for a penny at first, went to 2 sticks, then 1 stick, and finally disappeared altogether. As so many people mentioned, bring back the good old days. CHUM GUM was the best! Chum Gum was the best gum ever! Like another fan, I always licked the paper first and then chewed the gum. But I'd rather chew Chum Gum. Best years of our lives that I will never forget. Chum gum was the best!!! But the original wafers, there is no comparison to them. No gum compares to the taste or texture. And who remembers Adams Sour gum - at one time I think they had pineapple flavor. Bub's Daddy bubble gum ropes. Youd get two sticks, for a penny mind you, and the flavor literally lasted through an entire day of baseball, hula hoops and other fun kid stuff. I have asked a lot of people in that era and they never heard of it. I grew up in Denver , Colorado and remember chum gum and ask people when the subject of gum comes upNO ONE remembers it at all here . Maybe that is why we don't have chum gum the base is made from tree's OMG. In fact, Bazooka Candy Brands, a division of The Topps Company, Inc., still produces Bazooka Gum to this day. I am 63 and remember summer days walking a few blocks to the little mom and pop grocery store in my neighborhood in Tulsa with my friend or sisters to buy my Chum Gum. So it's pricy but it's out there. "To prevent decay, To sweeten the breath, To keep teeth white," read the package. I grew up in Greeley Colo. Ive reminisced about Chum Gum since 1958. Thanks, Candy. That is, when we weren't playing stepball, riding bikes or trading baseball cards. I think we bought it at the local 7-11. They don't make em like they used to. near my home close to Marquette Michigan when I was four or so. Snack History maintains its neutrality. Lets take it back to some of the memories of candy from years past. Would love to see it come back, at least for a trial year or two. Best gum ever! I too remember Chum Gum and just like some of you when I mention it to people they look at me like I'm crazy. I also grew up in Chicago. Mint Juleps and Banana Splits were both made by NECCO who, sadly, went out of business. I fell in love with Chum Gum since 6th grade in '62.I agree with everyone's comments, but besides the great flavor, Chum Gum produced the best bubbles! I used to visit my grandparents house in Golden, IL in the early 60's. 2 for a penny. So glad so many people loved it as I did, brings back childhood memories. google_color_url = "1F2B9E"; I grew up by Maple Lake outside of Bridgeport, West Virginia in the 60's. Even my old class mates didn't remember it. The commercial used to feature fruit falling throug the ceiling and landing on people making them go bonkers. im not a member of this site, i dont really have a sweet tooth or anything, but sour candies have gotten me through a lot. I have looked everywhere for Chum Gum for years. It very well could have set the stage for that soft, pink bubble gum we all know and love.

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do they still make chum gum