words of encouragement for someone waiting for test results

Dont let anyone make you believe differently. You could say, "I'm taking my kids to the park this afternoon. As you wait on your test results, dwell on what makes you happy. If we encourage someone in depression or loss then we can enlighten the source of "HOPE" in their hearts all over again. 1. Words of encouragement for turning hard times. "No matter what youre going through, theres a light at the end of the tunnel." DO say, "I really admire how you are handling this. 119. There is such comfort and clarity to be found from quietening the mind and allowing higher guidance in. Instead, a more helpful thing to say would be something like "I'll be here for you, no matter what the test results reveal." In many cases, people want to talk about anything but the upcoming test results, so don't be afraid to steer the conversation toward a favorite or lighter topic. As a childhood cancer survivor, I've grown more than accustomed to waiting. Be good to yourself. I read between the lines and assumed I had all the information to give myself a reasonably accurate diagnosis. If you'd like to bring your friend dinner, instead of asking what she or he wants (which may result in a lot of hemming and hawing or a blanket request for "anything"), offer a choice between a few options: "I'm bringing you dinner. No one is you and that is your superpower. They cleared the fog of uncertainty and a feeling of calm stole over me. 9. Settling back into what is now my "new normal," I decided I would create a "Do and Don't" list for the next time I'm faced with the deafening silence of waiting on test results: Don't Sit still. We feel like we should be able to know them. Having been fortunate enough not to ever need to go to hospital or undergo anything other than a routine medical procedure, this was a very scary time for me. Consider what you can do which feels nurturing or uplifting. Words of encouragement could also be in the form of a quote or maybe even a poem. Instead of getting anxious about test results. Exams only test a very small percentage of what you know. Jack Johnson, 124. Build the person's confidence explaining how great you know they'll do. As I was met in the hospital entrance by a kind volunteer and taken to my appointment on a buggy, I knew without question that my Mum was with me (she hated walking anywhere). It can help you recognise that we are all connected and we are all having a human experience together, with all its struggles and its pleasures. 123. 49. Coping With Scanxiety During Cancer Treatment. 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Or you may want to book an appointment with a massage therapist, acupuncturist, or even a Reiki practitioner to help you feel as though you are doing something about your symptoms rather than just waiting to see what your test results say and where to go from there. It presented itself as a low-lying background anxiety for much of my adult life. Weve got friends for our happiest days and saddest moments. Write your own. When offering to help, it's all too easy to shrug off the responsibility -- even when we ma y not mean to. And choose instead to believe I am strong enough to handle whatever life presents me with. ", 77. "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.". Forgive my failures in carrying the cross. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. We have included some encouraging quotes, inspiring words of courage, and funny messages about being brave that you can share with your family and friends. Things are going to start looking up soon. Im very wise and stuff. 3. "I heard that you are in the hospital. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." Write your fears down on paper and see what shifts for you. Alexander Pope, 76. Try not to catastrophise It seems to be almost an automatic reaction for many of us to revert to the worst-case scenario when we are considering an outcome such as waiting for test results. When she decided that she was going to switch doctors during one long wait for her test results, she immediately felt better knowing that in the future, she would inform new doctors that her one requirement was a timely follow-up after test results. It all makes perfect sense now. 100 Quotes About Not Giving Up100 Inspirational Bible Quotes150 Good Attitude Quotes, The Most Inspiring Movies on Netflix Right Now, 100 Quotes to Get You Through a Tough Time. And let others be good to you, too. However, life can bring obstacles that stop us from seeing our loved ones face to face. "Waiting is not the problem, worry is," said Paula H. Finestone, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center. Below are some short examples of what you can send to check-in: What words of encouragement and support have you shared with others to help ease the tension of waiting for test results? - Martin Luther King Jr. "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.". But, do take as many breaths as needed to center yourself and allow the anxiety to leave in a mindful way.. We live in a world where we can have a lot of answers quickly. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Bible Verses about Waiting on the Lord. Read through the 50 motivating words and quotes below to find a few that resonate with what you are feeling today. Neither was my mother. Many months ago, I felt guided into taking time out from my coaching practice over the summer. 18. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing ok. Phrases to use when someone is having trouble. I know things are difficult right now, but I also know youve got what it takes to get through it. Align your vibration with the result you do wantJust for a moment, imagine what you do want to have happen? The night before I met with the consultant to get my test results, a deep inner calm came over me. 6. 150. Just try to be better than you were yesterday. You can do anything you set your mind to. And telling your loved one not to worry may inspire unnecessary guilt in an already emotional time. - Mark Twain. |T&Cs | Privacy| Cookies |. And yes, there really is an end to the worst times, no matter how endless they feel. Work smart, not just hard. I nodded, feeling numb inside. Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?" Recognise that you also have your Higher Self to call on. Prayer For Good Biopsy Results. Don't make light of, judge, or try to change the way the person feels or acts. The essence of a government health care system - for people who have never lived under it and don't know - is waiting, waiting, waiting. O. Kay Svendsen. All things are difficult before they become easy. Do you need help coming up with the right comforting words for hard times? 14. I know you will succeed in life regardless of your exam results. 27. 120. Adulting is hard, and sometimes we just cant help but feel like we are drowning in responsibilities, stress, and worry. "Your life is your message to the world. When talking with someone who has cancer, the most important thing is to listen. I listened to that inner guidance, not knowing 100% why but trusting the feeling. And as I prayed the day of the results, I again heard the four words that eventually restored my faith and helped me find my inner strength: You are a warrior.. Everyone in the audience is on your side. 28. Confucius, 55. Martin Luther King, Jr. 10. Put your hair up in a bun, drink some coffee, and handle it. Don't stop until you're proud. Suddenly, through the fear gripping my heart and uncertainty clouding my mind, I heard the four words my friend so lovingly wrote me playing in my head. Despite thinking that your life would be over if the worst news was to be given to you, its part of human nature to deal with what comes. 59. This is one reason we all want to know our test results the moment after we take the test. However, there are a number of things you can do to be a friend and support a loved one who is waiting on test results and experiencing these feelings. I believe this is an important part of the process of managing your anxiety. Reading the message, my eyes zeroed in on the four words I will never forget: You are a warrior. I went over those words twice in a row with my screen reader. 7. You try to focus on happy thoughts and convince yourself that everything is going to be just fine, but worst-case scenarios keep popping into your head. Get started today with instant access to my FREE 30 minute career coaching webinar when you join my mailing list. 108. I could either tie myself up in knots for two days (which served no purpose) or I could enjoy the fun things I had planned and connect myself with the positive, higher vibration energy which I knew was more likely to bring about the result I wanted. Be There. For example, pregnant women should eat multiple servings of fresh green vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. I am grateful that I am able to get tests done and learn more about whats happening in my body. 87. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. But, short of being a doctor and having access to results, we simply dont always get that luxury. Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD! The easiest way to follow your favorite blogs. - Norman Vincent Peale. Be positive, patient, and persistent. 90. As the nurse held my hand and talked to me about movies while telling me everything that was going to happen, I let out a fearful sob, the weight of what I might be facing crashing upon me like a tidal wave. You're more relaxed than you feel. Funny Quotes. This will help keep your mind centered as you move through your day in a normal way. This exam quote is about more than just motivation, it also reminds us as students that test success isn't just about putting in as many hours as possible. One woman had a doctor who consistently told her that she would call ASAP with the results but would never follow up on that promise. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. Manage Settings It is the greatest quality in the mind next to honor." If a friend or family member reaches out to you while they wait, you may find yourself at a loss for words. your darkest fears a voice. Offer your support. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A free CaringBridge online health journal allows you to update everyone at once and offers a scheduling tool to help you coordinate caring tasks. If youre looking for some inspiration, we share some quotes of hope to send healing well wishes your loved ones way. Synonyms for WAITING (FOR): banking on, counting (on or upon), relying (on or upon), depending (on or upon), watching (for), hoping (for), expecting, awaiting; Antonyms of WAITING (FOR): questioning, doubting Martha Graham. Pictured above is Claire Schwab, whose story is part of the CaringBridge How We Heal Series. Im just a phone call away. But with some simple words of encouragement, however, you can provide a bit of hope to someone who is feeling a bit down in the dumps. Completion quotes. 3. They might just be what that person needs to hear. This really is a moment-to-moment practice. Perhaps there's a . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Sending some good vibes and happy thoughts your way. I focused on the 10% chance of what could be as opposed to the 90% chance. Robin Williams. "Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!". Instead, there is a subtle but positive energy shift which you invite in when you accept and surrender. I invite you to challenge your belief that you will not be able to handle it. 84. I heard the words as if the person who wrote them was speaking directly to me, You are a warrior, you are a warrior, you are a warrior Those words helped me calm down, although I cried throughout the whole procedure. I know nothing I say will change this, but I'm here for you,' that's perfect.". 62. Remember that you arent alone as you go through this difficult time. You are a work in progress, which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once. So many of my clients report a therapeutic benefit to showing up to a regular journaling practice. So here I share with you some of the things I did to help me move from fear to faith and use the challenge of waiting for medical test results to awaken me: 1. Im so sorry youre going through a difficult time. 24. Her top favorite movies are The Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Mary Poppins.. There Are Many Things In My Control Right Now, 5. When we are truly mindful, we can connect with our inner self and with the peace that is available to as at all times. Oops! Feel the feelings Let them out, giveyour anxiety, your worry your darkest fears a voice. When it comes to knowing "what to say," "what to do," and getting through things no one should ever go through, the best source of advice and inspiration for CaringBridge users is often other CaringBridge users. I poured my heart out to her, knowing she wouldnt judge me. Nelson Mandela, 63. Whether thats watching a whole box set on Netflix, having a lovely candlelit bath or listening to some of your favourite tunes. So many of my clients report a therapeutic benefit to showing up to a regular journaling practice. Remove all your fears and have faith . I can handle whatever the test results show. Youre going to pass this, and then we are going to wonder why you were panicking, 4. In an instant, my peaceful state had done a total 180. You are capable of more than you know. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 1. You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life. 134. Trendy Quotes. "Believe you can and youre halfway there." KANO, I know its hard not to lose you faith. Those words helped me calm down, although I cried throughout the whole procedure. Youre doing exactly what you should be doing. I'm strong and I have a good family who will stand by me. I knew that this had come to awaken me even further. Yet, having patience is an asset that we should all put more value on. I believe in you! You're not alone in feeling like you do. "You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in.". 103. Let this encourage you out of giving up. But I say, 'Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.'. 35. DO say, "It's okay not to be the perfect sick person.". Counseling When coping needs a boost, or emotions are running high. Gwyn Muckelt. We can find out certain information within minutes, and it becomes addicting to know what we want to know right now. And we can come up with some pretty good diagnoses in our minds as we are waiting for health test results. This will help keep your mind centered as you move through your day in a normal way. I knew immediately that there was an article I wanted to write, whatever the outcome of my test results. Ill hold your umbrella. Even if (especially if) you feel like doing them less. "Limit your "always" and your "nevers.". I am so proud of you! 79. "Fall seven times, stand up eight." Muah. 6. Tighten your ponytail and try again! Look at it this way: You've already survived 100% of your worst days! Dec 23, 2007. I will never forget them or the kindness you gave me in my time of need. Dont let that be you! 118. "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Martin Luther King, Jr. "A goal without a plan is just a wish." Antoine de . Theodore Roosevelt. You will not just be left in the dust to struggle with the results. God my Healer, as I'm awaiting the results of this lab work, I ask in the Name of Jesus that I receive a positive report. Stay strong. It's scary to wait. Going to the doctor can be stressful. Hugs and kisses! 3. I not trying to preach to you I just wanted to give you some words of wisdom. - Unknown. Practice being present For me, this represents the biggest opportunity from waiting for test results, and also the most instant form of relief to help manage your anxiety. You knit each of us together in the womb. Triaging When you're deciding where a patient should go. To check in with ourselves and notice what our thoughts are focused on and what tension we may be holding in our bodies. The only real failure is to give up. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia Book 3: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Albert Einstein. Or perhaps looking at yourself in the mirror and repeating some encouraging quotes will inspire you to move forward when you need some words of support during a particularly difficult time. Use what you have. Instead of resisting what is happening to you, try practicing acceptance and surrender to what is. Your exams are nearing, so study with dedication and you will succeed in your exams. Sady Ali Khan, 83. I felt like I had almost been given a second chance at life. It takes serious courage to get on this path and stay on it. As most of you would know I've spent the last 4-6 weeks waiting for test results. May we raise them." Anonymous. Encouraging someone costs nothing but it yields out enormous positive results. "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement." During this time, it can be hard for your loved one to stay positive. "You're going to go through tough times - that's life. Whether your test results are good or bad, you are going to be able to deal with it. Trying to make sense of it all. You relinquish resistance and connect with the higher vibration of trust. Winston Churchill. It always seems impossible until its done. 53. "Ring the bells that still can ring. Easing Stress When Waiting for Test Results. Take it from me. 72. I thought I knew everything about my situation based on very limited conversations with two medical professionals. We know you will again come out with flying colors. You can find even more stories on our Home page. I thought I knew everything about my situation based on very limited conversations with two medical professionals. This totally sucks, but you totally dont suck! The research: Brandon Irwin asked subjects in a lab to perform two sets of abdominal exercises called . My worst-case scenario had not played itself out. These phrases are ways to tell someone to keep trying: Hang in there. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Or, you could mention that the results are not yet in and it very well could be better news than they thought. Here are some apps that can help you practice being present. When the time comes, go to the appointment and offer to drive home . 61. You dont have to be perfect to be amazing. waiting for test results have brought you even the tiniest bit of hope or comfort. 2. 3. 140. You are always on my mind and in my heart. 82. Comfort me with the assurance Your Word says that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me.

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words of encouragement for someone waiting for test results