wellcare eob explanation codes

Medicaid id number does not match patient name. Dollar Amount Of Claim Was Adjusted To Correct Mathematical Error. Billing Provider does not have required Certification Addendum on file. The Pharmaceutical Care Code (PCC) does not have a rate on file for the Date Of Service(DOS). This Unbundled Procedure Code And Billed Charge Were Rebundled To Another Code, Which Was Either Billed By The Provider On This Claim Or Added By Claimcheck. Denied. Was Unable To Process This Request Due To Illegible Information. The detail From or To Date Of Service(DOS) is missing or incorrect. Detail Denied. Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy Or Speech Therapy Limited To 90 Min PerDay. Please Review The Cover Letter Attached To Your Claim, Any Informational Messages, And Provide The Requested Information BeforeResubmitting the Claim. This Claim Is Being Returned. When billing multiple diagnosis codes, the recoding is based on the highest level of service associated to one or more of the diagnosis codes billed. When Billing For Basic Screening Package, Charge Must Be Indicated Under Procedure W7000. NDC- National Drug Code billed is not appropriate for members gender. Procedure Code Modifier(s) Invalid For Date Of Service(DOS) Or For Prior Authorization Date Of Receipt. The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Well Woman Program for the Date Of Service(DOS). Services Included In The Inpatient Hospital Rate Are Not Separately Reimbursable. WWWP Does Not Process Interim Bills. Claims may deny the chest X-ray billed when the only diagnoses is one of the following routine screening diagnoses: General medical exam (ICD-10 codes Z00.0-Z00.01, Z00.5, Z00.6, Z00.8), Pre-admission/administrative exam (ICD-10 codes Z02.0-Z02.6, Z02.8-Z02.89, Z04.6), Pre-operative exam (ICD-10 codes Z01.810-Z01.811, Z01.818), FL 42 Revenue Code Required. The condition code is not allowed for the revenue code. The statement coverage FROM date on a hemodialysis ESRD claim (revenue code 0821, 0880, or 0881) was greater than the hemodialysis termination date in the provider file. This is a duplicate claim. The Screen Date Must Be In MM/DD/CCYY Format. Designated codes for conditions such as fractures, burns, ulcers and certain neoplasms require documentation of the side/region of the body where the condition occurs. A traditional dispensing fee may be allowed for this claim. The diagnosis code on the claim requires Condition code A6 be present on the Type of Bill. The sum of the Accommodation Days is not equal to the sum of Covered plus Non-Covered Days, or the From and To Dates of Service cannot be the same. Prior Authorization (PA) is required for payment of this service. Rental Only Allowed; Medical Need For Purchase Has Not Been Documented. Prescriptions Or Services Must Be Billed As ASeparate Claim. Certifying Agency Verified Member Was Not Eligible for Dates Of Services. You Must Either Be The Designated Provider Or Have A Referral. Service Denied. Claim Denied For Invalid Billing Type Frequency Code, Claim Type, Or SubmittedAdjustment Provider Number Does Not Match Original Claims Provider Number. Header From Date Of Service(DOS) is after the header To Date Of Service(DOS). Plan options will be available in 25 states, including plans in Missouri . Based on these reimbursement guidelines, claims may deny when the following revenue codes are billed without the appropriate HCPCS code: Only One Panel Code Within Same Category (CBC Or Chemistry) Maybe Performed Per Member/Provider/Date Of Service. Out-of-State non-emergency services require Prior Authorization. The total of amounts billed for the DOS on the claim exceeds the allowed dailylimit for PDN services. The Change In The Lens Formula Does Not Warrant Multiple Replacements. Please Do Not File A Duplicate Claim. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code in the header is not valid. This procedure is limited to once per day. Refer To The Wisconsin Website @ dhs.state.wi.us. Information Required For Claim Processing Is Missing. This Member Has Received Primary AODA Treatment In The Last Year And Is Therefore Not Eligible For Primary Intensive AODA Treatment At This Time. A quantity dispensed is required. Medicare Claim Copy And EOMB Have Been Submitte d For Processing Of Coinsurance And Deductible. Services Are Covered For Medically Needy Members Only When Healthcheck Referral is Indicated On Claim. According to CMS policy and the American College of Radiology, a chest X-ray (CPT codes 71045, 71046) should not be performed for screening purposes in the absence of pertinent signs, symptoms or diseases. The Revenue/HCPCS Code combination is invalid. Research Has Determined That The Member Does Not Qualify For Retroactive Eligibility According To Hfs 106.03(3)(b) Of The Wisconsin Administrative Code. Here are just a few of them: EOB CODE. According to the AMA CPT Manual and our policy, an initial inpatient admission (CPT 99221-99223) is allowed once every seven days. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Third Diagnosis Code. Review Of Adjustment/reconsideration Request Shows Original Claim Payment Was Max Allowed For Medical Service/Item/NDC. Reimbursement For HCPCS Procedure Code 58300 Includes IUD Cost. CPT Code 88305 (Level IV Surgical pathology, gross and microscopic examination) includes different types of biopsies. The sum of the Medicare paid, deductible(s), coinsurance, copayment and psychiatric reduction amounts does not equal the Medicare allowed amount. Out Of State Billing Provider Not Enrolled For Entire Detail DOS Span. Other Insurance Disclaimer Code Used Is Inappropriate For This Members Insurance Coverage. In addition, duplex scan of extracranial arteries, computed tomographic angiography (CTA) of the neck and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the neck are not medically necessary for evaluation of syncope in patients with no suggestion of seizure and no report of other neurologic symptoms or signs. Prior Authorization Required For Day Treatment Services If Members FunctionalAssessment Negative. Supplemental tests billed on the same Date Of Service(DOS) as vision examination are not payable. PDN services billed on this claim exceed 12 hours/day per nurse, PDN services billed on this claim exceed 60 hours/week per nurse, PDN services billed on this claim exceed 24 hours/day per member. Date Of Service/procedure/charges On Medicare EOMB Do Not Match The Original Claim. More than 6 hours of evaluation/assessment in a 2 year period must be billed astreatment services and count toward the MH/SA policy limits for prior authorization. This Adjustment/reconsideration Request Was Initiated By . Claim Detail Denied For Invalid CPT, Invalid CPT/modifier Combination, Or Invalid Type Of Quantity Billed. Vision Diagnostic Services Limited To 1 Of These: Vision Exam, Diagnostic Review, Supplemental Test Or Contact Lens Therapy. The disposable medical supply Procedure Code has a quantity limit as indicated in the DMS Index. Services Cutback/denied, Charges Greater Than Patient Liability, Not Responsible For Noncovered Services In Excess Of Patient Liability. Member is enrolled in Medicare Part A on the Date(s) of Service. A Rendering Provider is not required but was submitted on the claim. For FQHCs, place of service is 50. Please Correct And Resubmit. Revenue code is not valid for the type of bill submitted. The Request Does Not Meet Generally Accepted Conditions Requiring Fluoride Treatments. Explanation of Benefits (EOB) The four-digit explanation of benefits (EOB) codes and the corresponding narratives indicate that the submitted claim paid as billed or describe the reason the claim suspended, was denied, or did not pay in full. Service(s) paid in accordance with program policy limitation. Service(s) paid at the maximum daily amount per provider per member. Medicare Coinsurance Amount Was Not Provided On Crossover Claim. Services Can Only Be Authorized Through One Year From The Prescription Date. Level Of Care/accommodation Code Billed Is Not Applicable To Your Provider Specialty. The Evaluation Was Received By Fiscal Agent More Than Two Weeks After The Evaluation Date. Payspan's Core Payment Network comes with a feature that allows payers to send members an electronic version of their Explanation of Benefits (eEOB). Service billed is bundled with another service and cannot be reimbursed separately. First Other Surgical Code Date is invalid. Claim Denied for implementation of new Wisconsin Medicaid Interchange System.Resubmission of the claim is required due to new claim submission guidelines. Healthcheck screenings or outreach limited to two per year for members betweenthe ages of two and three years. The Billing Providers taxonomy code is missing. Duplicate/second Procedure Deemed Medically Necessary And Payable. Member is enrolled in QMB-Only benefits. Services billed exceed prior authorized amount. Revenue code 0850 thru 0859 is not allowed when billed with revenue codes 0820thru 0829, 0830 thru 0839, or 0840 thru 0849. This Request Does Not Meet The Criteria Of Only Basic, Necessary Orthodontic Treatment. The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for the Date(s) of Service. Pharmaceutical care reimbursement for tablet splitting is limited to three permonth, per member. Errors in one of the following data elements exceed their field size: Statement covered FROM Date, Admission date, Date Of Service(DOS), Revenue code. All ESRD clinical diagnostic laboratory tests must be billed individually to ensure that automated multi-chanel chemistry tests are paid in accordance with the Medicare Provider Reimbursement Manual (PRM) 2711. Allowed Amount On Detail Paid By WWWP. Based on reimbursement guidelines it is not appropriate for providers to bill inpatient Evaluation and Management (E/M) services while the patient is in an observation status. A group code is a code identifying the general category of payment adjustment. Prior authorization is required for Maxalt when Maxalt or sumatriptan productshave not been reimbursed within 365 days. The Request Has Been Back datedto Date of Receipt. Invalid Procedure Code For Dx Indicated. Supplemental Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) Due to an Interim Rate Settlement. Do Not Indicate A Hcpcs Or Cpt Procedure Code On An Inpatient Claim. Continue ToUse Appropriate Codes On Billing Claim(s). Members Age 3 And Older Must Have An Oral Assessment And Blood Pressure Check.With Appropriate Referral Codes, For Payment Of A Screening. Hospital discharge must be within 30 days of from Date Of Service(DOS). Services Billed Denied As Being Covered In The Payment For Day Rx Per Medical Day Treatment Guidelines. Valid Numbers Are Important For DUR Purposes. The Service/procedure Proposed Is Not Supported By Submitted Documentation. Was Unable To Process This Request. Ongoing assessment is not reimbursable when skilled nursing visits have been performed within the past sixty days. Fourth Other Surgical Code Date is invalid. This Member Has Completed Intensive AODA Treatment Within The Past 12 Months and Documentation Provided Is Not Adequate To Justify Intensive Treatment at this time. Service Must Be Billed On Drug Claim Form Utilizing NDC Codes. All The Teeth Do Not Meet Generally Accepted Criteria Requiring Gingivectomy. Verify billed amount and quantity billed. Charges For Anesthetics Are Included In Charge For All Surgical Procedures. Claim Is Being Special Handled, No Action On Your Part Required. The Medical Need For Some Requested Services Is Not Supported By Documentation. These same rules are used by most healthcare claims payers and enforced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code in the header is invalid. Claim Denied/Cutback. Please watch for periodic updates. The CNA Is Only Eligible For Testing Reimbursement. ACTION TYPE LEGEND: Pricing Adjustment/ Level of effort dispensing fee applied. The Number Of Weeks Has Been Reduced Consistent With Goals And Progress Documented. Refer To Notice From DHS. Payment Subject To Pharmacy Consultant Review. Claim Is For A Member With Retro Ma Eligibility. Please Submit A Separate New Day Claim For Copayment Exempt Days/services. The changes in the brain that happen during a migraine cannot be seen by the imaging studies since a migraine is caused by a complicated interaction between the brain and the blood vessels in the face and head. Member is assigned to a Lock-in primary provider. Reimbursement For This Service Is Included In The Transportation Base Rate. Denied. This Member Appears To Continue To Abuse Alcohol And/or Other Drugs And Is Therefore Not Eligible For Day Treatment. This National Drug Code (NDC) requires a whole number for the Quantity Billed. Claim Denied. Please Resubmit A New Adjustment/reconsideration Request Form And Indicate TheMost Recent Cclaim Number Where Payment Was Made Or Allowed. Reimbursement For Panel Test Only- Individual Tests In Addition To Panel Test Disallowed. DME rental beyond the initial 180 day period is not payable without prior authorization. snapchat chat bitmoji peeking. Services Requested Do Not Meet The Criteria for an Acute Episode. Repackaging allowance is not allowed for unit dose NDCs. Claim/adjustment Received Beyond The 455 Day Resubmission Deadline. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to Provider ID Not Present. Dispensing replacement parts and complete appliance on same Date Of Service(DOS) not Allowed. For Revenue Code 0820, 0821, 0825 or 0829, HCPCS Code 90999 or Modifier G1-G6 must be present. Consultation or surgical procedures are not reimbursable in conjuctions with Emergency Room services. Denied. Insufficient Info On Unlisted Med Proc; Submit Claim Or Attachment With A Complete Description Of The Procedure As Described In History and Physical Exam Report, Med Progress, anesthesia or Op Report. This service is not payable for the same Date Of Service(DOS) as another service included on this claim. To allow for multiple biopsies for investigation and diagnosis of certain disease entities, WellCare applies max units editing for CPT code 88305 based on gastrointestinal (GI) and prostate-related diagnoses. Services Beyond The Six Week Postpartum Period Are Not Covered, Per DHS. One or more Surgical Code Date(s) is invalid in positions seven through 24. CNAs Eligibility For Nat Reimbursement Has Expired. Claim contains an unclassified drug HCPCS procedure code or a drug HCPCS procedure code included in the composite rate. The National Drug Code (NDC) has an age restriction. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code is missing in the header. Denied. The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for the Date Of Service(DOS). MLN Matters Number: MM6229 Related . An amount in the Gross Amount Due field and/or Usual and Customary Charge field is required. Date Of Service Must Fall Between The Prior Authorization Grant Date And Expiration Date. Personal Care Services Exceeding 30 Hours Per 12 Month Period Per Member Require Prior Authorization. A Hospital Stay Has Been Paid For DOS Indicated. Immunization Questions A And B Are Required For Federal Reporting. Billed Amount Is Greater Than Reimbursement Rate. The total billed amount is missing or is less than the sum of the detail billed amounts. Claim Detail Denied Due To Required Information Missing On The Claim. Please Clarify. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to The Claim Type Of The Adjustment Does Not Match The Claim Type Of The Original Claim. Please Provide Copy Of Medicare Explanation Of Benefits/medicare Remittance Advice Attached To Claim. Timeframe Between The CNAs Training Date And Test Date Exceeds 365 Days. Denied due to Provider Signature Is Missing. Individual Test Paid. The Diagnosis Does Not Indicate A Significant Change In the Members Condition. Member is covered by a commercial health insurance on the Date(s) of Service. Denied/Cutback. EOB. OA 10 The diagnosis is inconsistent with the patient's gender. Please Furnish An ICD-9 Surgical Code And Corresponding Description. Billing Provider is not certified for the detail From Date Of Service(DOS). trevor lawrence 225 bench press; new internal . Services not allowed for your Provider Type or for your Provider Type without a TB diagnosis. Denied due to Per Division Review Of NDC. No payment allowed for Incidental Surgical Procedure(s). Strong knowledge of adjustment and denial reason codes from Electronic Remittance Advices (ERA/835 files) and from paper Explanation of benefits (EOB's) / Explanation of payments (EOP's), CPT and ICD10 codes; Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with professional demeanor and positive attitude These Urinalysis Procedures Reimbursed Collectively At The Maximum For Routine Urinalysis With Microscopy. From Date Of Service(DOS) is before Admission Date. This service is not payable with another service on the same Date Of Service(DOS) due to National Correct Coding Initiative. Prior authorization is required for Advair or Symbicort if no other Glucocorticoid Inhaled product has been reimbursed within 90 days. The Surgical Procedure Code is not payable for /BadgerCare Plus for the Date Of Service(DOS). Payment Is Limited To One Unit Dose Service Per Calendar Month, Per Legend Drug, Per Member. ESRD claims are not allowed when submitted with value code of A8 (weight) and a weight of more than 500 kilograms and/or the value code of A9 (height) and the height of more than 900 centimeters. Unable To Process This Request Because The Competency Test Date And TrainingCompletion Date Fields Are Blank. Out of State Billing Provider not certified on the Dispense Date. Well-baby visits are limited to 12 visits in the first year of life. Previously Denied Claims Are To Be Resubmitted As New Day Claims. The Procedure Code/Modifier combination is not payable for the Date Of Service(DOS). Maximum Number Of Outreach Refusals Has Been Reached For This Period. Good Faith Claim Denied For Timely Filing. Traditional dispensing fee may be allowed. Please Submit On The Cms 1500 Using The Correct Hcpcs Code. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to Member ID Number On The Claim And On The Adjustment Request Do Not Match. Hearing Aid Batteries Are Limited To 12 Monaural/24 Binaural Batteries Per 30-day Period, Per Provider, Per Hearing Aid. Remittance Advice Remark Codes (RARCs) are used to provide additional explanation for an adjustment already described by a Claim Adjustment Reason Code (CARC) or to convey information about remittance processing. The Request Has Been Approved To The Maximum Allowable Level. The submitted claim contains value code 68 and 48 or 49 but does not contain revenue code 0634 or 0635 and HCPCS Q4055. This drug has been paid under an equivalent code within seven days of this Date Of Service(DOS). Service (Procedure Code/Modifier Combination) is not reimbursable for Date Of Service(DOS). Revenue Code Required. Drugs Prescribed and Filled on the Same Day, Cannot have a Refill Greater thanZero. Provider Is Responsible For Averaging Costs During Cal Year Not To Exceed YrlyTotal (12 x $2325.00). I'm getting a 2% CMS Mandate on my Wellcare EOB's. What is that? Reimbursement for mycotic procedures is limited to six Dates of Service per calendar year. The value code 48 (Hemoglobin reading) or 49 (Hematocrit) is required for the revenue code/HCPCS code combination. Questionable Long-term Prognosis Due To Poor Oral Hygiene. Please Furnish A NDC Code And Corresponding Description. Personal Care In Excess Of 250 Hrs Per Calendar Year Requires Prior Authorization. Requests For Training Reimbursement Denied Due To Late Billing. Service not payable with other service rendered on the same date. Documentation Provided Indicates A Less Elaborate Procedure Should Be Considered. See Provider Handbook For Good Faith Billing Instructions. Claim Reduced Due To Member Income Available Toward Cost Of Care (Nursing Home Liability). Claim Denied. This Member Is Involved In Intensive Day Treatment, Which Is To Include Psychotherapy Services. this Procedure Code Is Denied As Mutually Exclusive To Another Code Billed On This Claim. Please Resubmit With The Costs For Sterilization Related Charges Identified As Non-covered Charges On The Claim. Denied/Cutback. An Approved AODA Day Treatment Program Cannot Exceed A 6 Week Period. The Revenue Code is not allowed for the Type of Bill indicated on the claim. Learn more about Ezoic here. Reimbursement For IUD Insertion Includes The Office Visit. Prescriber ID is invalid.e. Has Already Issued A Payment To Your NF For This Level L Screen. That is why we support our provider partners with quality incentive programs, quicker claims payments and dedicated market support. Member ID has changed. For dates of service on or after 7/1/10 for TOB 72X an occurrence code 51 and value code D5 are required when the KT/V reading was performed. Edentulous Alveoloplasty Requires Prior Authotization. Claim Must Indicate A New Spell Of Illness And Date Of Onset. The Resident Or CNAs Name Is Missing. Please Furnish A UB92 Revenue Code And Corresponding Description. -OR- The claim contains value code 49but does not contain revenue code 0636 and HCPCS Q4054. Supervisory visits for Unskilled Cases allowed once per 60-day period. Service Denied. Second Other Surgical Code Date is required. 191. Explanation of benefits. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code in the detail is not valid. Claimchecks Editing And Your Supporting Documentation Was Reviewed By The DHS Medical Consultant. Calls are recorded to improve customer satisfaction. PLEASE RESUBMIT CLAIM LATER. This National Drug Code (NDC) has diagnosis restrictions. Claim Denied. Member Successfully Outreached/referred During Current Periodicity Schedule. Service Denied. paul pion cantor net worth. Resubmit the Claim with the Appropriate Modifier for Provider Type andSpecialty. Bilateral Surgeries Reimbursed At 150% Of The Unilateral Rate. Service not covered as determined by a medical consultant. Denied as duplicate claim. This service or a related service performed on this date has already been billed by another provider and paid. A Less Than 6 Week Healing Period Has Been Specified For This PA. Denied due to Detail Billed Amount Missing Or Zero. More Than 5 Consecutive Calendar Days Of Continuous Care Are Not Payable. Prescription limit of five Opioid analgesics per month. Claim Denied For No Provider Agreement On File Or Not Certified For Date Of Service(DOS). Head imaging in the form of CT scans, MRI or MRA is allowed only when the service is medically reasonable and necessary. Revenue code 082X is present on an ESRD claim which also contains revenue code088X (X frequency non equal to 9). 2004-79 For Instructions. This Member, As Indicated By Narrative History, Does Not Agree To Abstinence from Alcohol Or Other Drugs And Is Ineligible For AODA Treatment. Newborn Care Must Be Billed Under Newborn Name And Number; Occurrence Codes 50& 51 Cannotbe Present if Billing Under Newborn Name. Reimbursement limits for Community Care Services for the calendar year are close to being exceeded. Referral Codes Must Be Indicated For W7001, W7002, W7003, W7006, W7008 And W7013. Explanation of Benefit Codes (EOBs) Mar 14, 2022 4. There Is Evidence That The Member Is Not Detoxified From Alcohol And/or Other Drugs and is Therefore Not Currently Eligible For AODA Day Treatment. The respiratory care services billed on this claim exceed the limit. Home care ongoing assessments are allowed once every sixty days per member.nt, But Arepayable Every Fifty-fourth Day For Flexibility In Scheduling. A code with no Trip Modifier billed on same day as a code with Modifier U1 are considered the same trip. Capitation Payment Recouped Due To Member Disenrollment. Wellcare uses cookies. Denied. The revenue accomodation billing code on the claim does not match the revenue accomodation billing code on the member file or does not match for these dates of service. Billing Provider is restricted from submitting electronic claims. Dispensing fee denied. X . Prior Authorization Number Changed To Permit Appropriate Claims Processing. What steps can we take to avoid this denial? LTC hospital bedhold quantity must be equal to or less than occurrence code 75span date range(s). Reading your EOB. For additional information on HIPAA EOB codes, visit the Code List section of the WPC website at www.wpc-edi.com. Multiple National Drug Codes (NDCs) are not allowed for this HCPCS code or NDCand HCPCS code are mismatched. A Qualified Provider Application Is Being Mailed To You. Homecare Services W/o PA Are Not Payable When Prior Authorized Homecare Services have Been Provided To The Same Member. Billing Provider Received Payment From Both Medicare And For Clai m. An Adjustment/reconsideration Request Has Been Made To The Billing Providers Account. Denied. . Reimbursement For This Detail Does Not Include Unit DoseDispensing Fee. Therapy visits in excess of one per day per discipline per member are not reimbursable. The Member Has Shown No Significant Functional Progress Toward Meeting Or Maintaining Established & Measurable Treatment Goals Over A 6 Month Period. This National Drug Code (NDC) is not covered. Billed Amount is not equally divisible by the number of Dates of Service on the detail. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the SeventhDiagnosis Code. Services have been determined by DHCAA to be non-emergency. Please Indicate Anesthesia Time For Services Rendered. The Service Requested Was Performed Less Than 5 Years Ago. This Procedure Is Limited To Once Per Day. The Medical Need For This Service Is Not Supported By The Submitted Documentation. A1 This claim was refused as the billing service provider submitted is: . Our Records Indicate This Tooth Previously Extracted. Dates of Service reflected by the Quantity Billed for dialysis exceeds the Statement Covers Period. Adjustment/reconsideration Request Denied Due To Incorrect/insufficient Information. Denied. The Performing Or Billing Provider On The Claim Does Not Match The Billing Provider On Theprior Authorization File. codes are provided per day by the same individual physician or other health care professional. Prescription limit of five Opioid analgesics per month. Contact Wisconsin s Billing And Policy Correspondence Unit. Refer to the DME area of the Online Handbook for claims submission requirements for compression garments. Rinoplastia; Blefaroplastia The Diagnosis Code Is Not Valid On This Date Of Service(DOS). CPT Code And Service Date For Memberis Identical To Another Claim Detail On File For Another WWWP Provider. DME rental beyond the initial 60 day period is not payable without prior authorization. Authorization For Surgery Requiring Second Opinion Valid For 6Months After Date Approved. Request Denied. Pricing Adjustment/ Spenddown deductible applied. Approved. Please Indicate One Prior Authorization Number Per Claim. The Revenue Code is not payable for the Date(s) of Service. Member does not have commercial insurance for the Date(s) of Service. Tooth surface is invalid or not indicated. Indicated Diagnosis Is Not Applicable To Members Sex. Adjustment To Crossover Paid Prior To Aim Implementation Date. Service Denied, refer to Medicares Billing and/or Policy Guidelines. The Competency Test Date On The Request Does Not Match The CNAs Test Date OnThe WI Nurse Aide Registry. Serviced Denied. The Medicare copayment amount is invalid. The Member Appears To Be At A Maximum Level For Age, Diagnosis, And Living Arrangement. Surgical Procedure Code is not allowed on the claim form/transaction submitted. Medical record number If a medical record number is used on the provider's claim, that number appears here. Correct And Resubmit. If you are still unable to resolve the login problem, read the troubleshooting steps or report your issue. The Number In The National Provider Identifier (NPI) Section On This Request IsNot A Number Assigned To A Certified Nursing Facility For This Date Of Service(DOS). Benefit code These codes are submitted by the provider to identify state programs. Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) To Be Recouped at a Later Date. Billed amount exceeds prior authorized amount. Compound Drug Service Denied. Critical care performed in air ambulance requires medical necessity documentation with the claim. Reimbursement Is At The Unilateral Rate. Denied. The To Date Of Service(DOS) for the Second Occurrence Span Code is required. Member enrolled in QMB-Only Benefit plan. 12/06/2022 . Purchase of a blood glucose monitor includes the first 30 days of supplies for the monitor. Use Of Therapy Equipment Alone Is Not Sufficient To Justify Maintenance Therapy. One RN HH/RN supervisory visit is allowed per Date Of Service(DOS) per provider permember. Received Beyond Special Filing Deadline For ThisType Of Claim Or Adjustment/reconsideration. To better assist you, please first select your state. Denied due to Provider Is Not Certified To Bill WCDP Claims. Quantity Would Always Be 00010 If Number Of Pounds Not Indicated. Result of Service submitted indicates the prescription was not filled. Suspend Claims With DOS On Or After 7/9/97. Non-Reimbursable Service. Service Denied. One or more Surgical Code(s) is invalid in positions six through 23. A Photocopy Of The PA Request Form Has Been Mailed Separately Identifying the Reimbursement Rate For The Procedure Codes Authorized. Auditory Screening with Preventive Medicine Visits. Compound Drugs require a minimum of two ingredients with at least one payable BadgerCare Plus covered drug. Good Faith Claim Correctly Denied. Amount Paid By Other Insurance Exceeds Amount Allowed By . Training CompletionDate Exceeds The Current Eligibility Timeline. This claim is a duplicate of a claim currently in process. Computed tomography (CT) of the head or brain (CPT 70450, 70460, 70470), Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) of the head (CPT 70496), Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the head (CPT 70544, 70545, 70546), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain (CPT 70551, 70552, 70553), Duplex scan of extracranial arteries (CPT 93880,93882), Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) of the neck(CPT 70498), Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the neck(CPT 70547, 70548, 70549), ICD-10 Diagnosis codes G43.009, G43.109, G43.709, G43.809, G43.829, G43.909.

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wellcare eob explanation codes