74. Contents available in the book .. Several techniques can be used for the treatment of periodontal pockets. When the flap is returned and sutured in its original position. Conflicting data surround the advisability of uncovering the bone when this is not actually needed. It can be used in combination with other procedures such as osseous resection, regenerative procedures, hemisection procedure and procedures involving wedge excision. This preview shows page 166 - 168 out of 197 pages.. View full document. The blood clot provides a framework for the proliferation and migration of cells from surrounding tissues including gingiva, periodontal ligament (PDL), cementum, and alveolar bone 38. The flaps are then apically positioned to just cover the alveolar crest. Contents available in the book .. The partial-thickness flap includes only the epithelium and a layer of the underlying connective tissue. The granulation tissue and the pocket lining may be then separated from the inner surface of the reflected flap with the help of surgical scissors and a scalpel. This is termed. The secondary incision is given from the depth of the periodontal pocket till the alveolar crest. Clinical crown lengthening in multiple teeth. There have been a lot of modifications and improvisations in various periodontal surgical techniques during this period. Deep intrabony defects. Increase accessibility to root deposits for scaling and root planing, 2. The primary objective of the flap surgeries is to gain access to the root surfaces and bone defects so that the deposits on the root surfaces can be eliminated and the granulation tissue can be removed. 15 scalpel blade is used to make a triangular incision distal to the molar on retromolar pad area or the maxillary tuberosity. Some clinicians prefer curettes (Molt 2 curette) or chisels (Ochsenbein No. (Courtesy Dr. Silvia Oreamuno, San Jose, Costa Rica. The present systematic review analysed the clinical outcomes of resective surgery versus access flap procedures in subjects with periodontitis stages II-III (previously termed moderate to advanced periodontitis), in order to support the development of evidence-based guidelines for periodontal therapy. It protects the interdental papilla adjacent to the surgical site. If the tissue is too thick, the flap margin should be thinned with the initial incision. Maintaining primary closure after guided bone regeneration procedures: Introduction of a new flap design and preliminary results. The flap was repositioned and sutured and . A crevicular incision is made from the bottom of the pocket to the bone in such a way that it circumscribes the triangular wedge of tissue that contains the pocket lining. Depending on how the interdental papilla is managed, flaps can either split the papilla (conventional flap) or preserve it (papilla preservation flap). What is a periodontal flap? To preserve the present attached gingiva or even to establish an adequate strip of it, where it is narrow or absent. Apically displaced flaps have the important advantage of preserving the outer portion of the pocket wall and transforming it into attached gingiva. Step 7:Continuous, independent sling sutures are placed in both the facial and palatal areas (Figure 59-3, I and J) and covered with a periodontal surgical pack. The main advantages of this procedure are maximum conservation of the keratinized tissue, maximum closure of the flaps and greater access to the underlying bony topography and the distal furcation. Palatal flaps cannot be displaced because of the absence of unattached gingiva. By doing this, the periosteum is cut and it becomes easy to remove the secondary flap from the bone. Laparoscopic technique for secondary vaginoplasty in male to female transsexuals using a modified . It differs from the modified Widman llap in that the soft tissue pocket wall is removed with the initial incision; thus it may be considered an internal bevel glngivectomy. The area to be operated is then isolated with the help of gauge. Log In or, (Courtesy Dr. Kitetsu Shin, Saitama, Japan. Swelling is another common complication after flap surgery. The modified Widman flap procedure involves placement of three incisions: the initial internal bevel/ reverse bevel incision (first incision), the sulcular/crevicular incision (second incision) and the horizontal/interdental incision (third incision). The crevicular incision is then placed from the bottom of the pocket till the alveolar crest. With this access, the surgeon is able to make the third incision, which is also known as the interdental incision, to separate the collar of gingiva that is left around the tooth. ious techniques such as gingivectomy, undisplaced flap with/without bone surgery, apical resected flap with/without bone resection, and forced eruption with/without fiberotomy have been proposed for crown lengthening procedures.2-4 Selecting the technique depends on various factors like esthetics, crown-to-root ratio, root morphology, furcation Severe hypersensitivity. The papillae are then carefully pushed back through the interdental embrasures to palatal or lingual aspect. This incision is made 1mm to 2mm from the teeth. Give local anaesthetic for 2 weeks and recall C. Recall for follow up after 6 weeks D. 13- Which is the technique that will anesthetize both hard and soft tissues of the lower posterior teeth region in one injection A. Gow gates***** B. Every effort is made to adapt the facial and lingual interproximal tissue adjacent to each other in such a way that no interproximal bone remains exposed at the time of suturing. Therefore, these flaps accomplish the double objective of eliminating the pocket and increasing the width of the attached gingiva. Several techniques such as gingivectomy, undisplaced flap with or without osseous surgery, apically repositioned flap with or without resective osseous surgery, and orthodontic forced eruption with or without fibrotomy have been proposed for clinical crown lengthening. Trombelli L, Farina R. Flap designs for periodontal healing. It conserves the relatively uninvolved outer surface of the gingiva. Contents available in the book .. The area is re-inspected for any remaining granulation tissue, tissue tags or deposits on the root surfaces. This technique offers the possibility ol establishing an intimate postoperative adaptation ol healthy collagenous connective tissue to tooth surlaces " and provides access for adequate instrumentation ol the root surtaces and immediate closure ol the area the following is an outline of this technique: The triangular wedge of the tissue, hence formed is removed. The objectives for the other two flap proceduresthe undisplaced flap and the apically displaced flapinclude root surface access and the reduction or elimination of the pocket depth. The thickness of the gingiva. This is essentially an excisional procedure of the gingiva. Contents available in the book .. With the migration of these cells in the healing area, the process of re-establishment of the dentogingival unit progresses. The reasons for placing vertical incisions at line angles of the teeth are. The flap is placed at the toothbone junction by apically displacing the flap. Flap design for a sulcular incision flap. 15 or 15C surgical blade is used most often to make this incision. Along with removing the tissue above the alveolar crest, this incision also reveals the thickness of the soft tissue. Henry H. Takei, Fermin A. Carranza and Jonathan H. Do. The internal bevel incisions are typically used in periodontal flap surgeries. Areas which do not have an esthetic concern. The thicker the tissue is, the more apical the ending point of the incision (see Figure 59-4). The following statements can be made regarding periodontal regeneration procedures. Suturing is then performed to stabilize the flaps in their position. Contents available in the book .. Contents available in the book .. The book is usually delivered within one week anywhere in India and within three weeks anywhere throughout the world. In addition, thinning of the flap should be performed with the initial incision, because it is easier to accomplish at this time than it is later with a loose, reflected flap that is difficult to manage. Crown lengthening procedures to expose restoration margins. Flaps are used for pocket therapy to accomplish the following: 1. Rough handling of the tissue and long duration of the surgery commonly result in post-operative swelling. More is the thickness of the gingiva, farther is the incision placed to include more tissue which needs to be removed. Different suture techniques Course Duration : 8,9,10,15,16,17 Mar Early registration fees before15/2: 5500 L.E . Areas with sufficient band of attached gingiva. 61: Periodontal Regeneration and Reconstructive Surgery, 63: Periodontal Plastic and Esthetic Surgery, 59: The Flap Technique for Pocket Therapy, 55: General Principles of Periodontal Surgery, 31: Radiographic Aids in the Diagnosis of Periodontal Disease. It is the incision from which the flap is reflected to expose the underlying bone and root. Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF), also known as idiopathic gingival hyperplasia, is a rare condition of gingival overgrowth. Contents available in the book .. The primary incision is placed at the outer margin of the gingivectomy incision starting at the disto-palatal line angle of the last molar and continued forward. 1. Itisnecessary toemphasise thefollowing points: I)Reaming ofthemedullary cavity wasnever employed. Following shapes of the distal wedge have been proposed which are, 1. Within the first few days, monocytes and macrophages start populating the area, Post-operative complications after periodontal flap surgery, Hemorrhage occurring after 7-14 days is secondary to trauma or surgery. 2. This flap procedure causes the greatest probing depth reduction. The base of the flap should be wider than the flap margin so that the blood supply to the flap is not jeopardized. Scalloping follows the gingival margin. The modified Widman flap has been described for exposing the root surfaces for meticulous instrumentation and for the removal of the pocket lining.6 Again, it is not intended to eliminate or reduce pocket depth, except for the reduction that occurs during healing as a result of tissue shrinkage. Normal interincisal opening is approximately 35-45mm, with mild, Periobasics A Textbook of Periodontics and Implantology, Text Book of Basic Sciences for MDS Students, History of surgical periodontal pocket therapy and osseous resective surgeries. A new technique for arthroscopic meniscectomy using a traction suture, , 2015-02, ()KCI . The beak-shaped no. The periodontal pockets on the distal aspects of last molars, both in maxillary and the mandibular arches present a unique situation for which specific surgical designs have been advocated. The following steps outline the undisplaced flap technique. Triangular Inferior alveolar nerve block C. PSA 14- A patient comes with . Coronally displaced flap Connective tissue autograft Free gingival graft Laterally positioned flap Apically displaced flap 5. 6. Unrealistic patient expectations or desires. The incision is made not only around the facial and lingual radicular area but also interdentally, where it connects the facial and lingual segments to free the gingiva completely around the tooth (Figure 57-9; see Figure 57-5). It is better to graft an infrabony defect than not grafting. The incision is then carried out till the line angle of the tooth blending it into the gingival crevice. 15c, 11 or 12d. The apically displaced flap technique is selected for cases that present a minimal amount of keratinized, attached gingiva. The challenging nature of scaphoid fracture and nonunion surgery make it an obvious target. Technique-The technique that weusehas been reported previously (Zucman and Maurer 1965). These meniscus tears are displaced into the tibia or femoral recesses and can be often difficult to diagnose intraoperatively. 5. The incision is made around the entire circumference of the tooth using blade No. The root surfaces are checked and then scaled and planed, if needed (. 3) The insertion of the guide-wire presents Periodontal pockets in severe periodontal disease. See Page 1 Contents available in the book .. The internal bevel incision may be a marginal incision (from the top of gingival margin) or para-marginal incision (at a distance from the gingival margin). Contents available in the book .. Takei et al. Mitral facies or malar flush There is a tapping apex beat which is undisplaced. The granulomatous tissue is then removed and the deposits on the root surfaces are removed by scaling. Endodontic Topics. The distance of the incision from the gingival margin (thickness of the incision) varies according to the pocket depth, the thickness of the gingiva, width of the attached gingiva, shape and contour of gingival margins and whether or not the operative area is in the esthetic zone. Periodontal therapy, flap, periodontal flap, full thickness flap, partial thickness flap, nondisplaced flap, displaced flap, conventional flaps, papilla preservation . Several techniques such as gingivectomy, undisplaced flap with or without osseous surgery, apically repositioned flap . According to management of papilla: This type of flap is also called the split-thickness flap. - Undisplaced flap - Apicaliy displaced flap - All of the above - Modified Widman flap. Swelling hinders routine working life of patient usually during the first 3 days after surgery 41. Care should be taken to insert the blade in such a way that the papilla is left with a thickness similar to that of the remaining facial flap. 2. Tooth with marked mobility and severe attachment loss. Conventional flaps include the modified Widman flap, the undisplaced flap, the apically displaced flap, and the flap for reconstructive procedures. The gingival margin is removed, and the flap is reflected to gain access for root therapy. The patient is recalled after one week for suture removal. After this, the second or the sulcular incision is made from the bottom of the pocket till the crest of the alveolar bone. An intact papilla should be either excluded or included in the flap. Before we go into the details of the periodontal flap surgeries, let us discuss the incisions used in surgical periodontal therapy. Frenectomy-frenal relocation-vestibuloplasty. Contents available in the book .. Sulcular incision is now made around the tooth to facilitate flap elevation. To improve esthetics as well as treat periodontal disease the method of choice remains is undisplaced flap surgery [12, 13]. The bleeding is frequently associated with pain. Step 2:The gingiva is reflected with a periosteal elevator (Figure 59-3, D). The clearly visible root surfaces and osseous defects are then debrided with the help of hand (curettes) and ultrasonic (ultrasonic scalers) instruments. The granulation tissue is removed from the area and scaling and root planing is done. Conventional flaps include the. The incision is made at the level of the pocket to discard the tissue coronal to the pocket if there is sufficient remaining attached gingiva. The apically displaced flap provides accessibility and eliminates the pocket, but it does the latter by apically positioning the soft-tissue wall of the pocket.2 Therefore, it preserves or increases the width of the attached gingiva by transforming the previously unattached keratinized pocket wall into attached tissue. The partial-thickness flap may be necessary when the crestal bone margin is thin and exposed with an apically placed flap or when dehiscences or fenestrations are present. It does not attempt to reduce the pocket depth, but it does eliminate the pocket lining. 1. As soon the granulation tissue is removed, the clear bone margins and root surfaces are visible. The triangular wedge technique is used in cases where the adequate zone of attached gingiva is present and in cases of short or small tuberosity. The flap is then elevated with the help of a small periosteal elevator. The blade is pushed into the sulcus till resistance is felt from the crestal bone crest. The bleeding is frequently associated with pain. A periodontal flap is a section of gingiva and/or mucosa surgically separated from the underlying tissue to provide visibility and access to the bone and root surfaces 1. Ramfjord and Nissle 8 in 1974, modified the original Widman flap procedure . b. a. Contents available in the book .. Periodontal flap surgery with conventional incision commonly results in gingival recession and loss of interdental papillae after treatment. Sutures are placed to secure the flaps in their position. The location of the primary incision is based on the thickness of the gingiva, width of attached gingiva, the contour of the gingival margins, surgical objectives, and esthetic considerations. Minor osteoplasty may be carried out if osseous irregulari-ties are observed. Then, it is decided that how much tissue has to be removed so that the appropriate thickness of the gingiva is achieved at the end of the procedure. drg. The design of the flap is dictated by the surgical judgment of the operator, and it may depend on the objectives of the procedure. Most commonly done suturing is the interrupted suturing. This complete exposure of and access to the underlying bone is indicated when resective osseous surgery is contemplated. After administrating local anesthesia, profound anesthesia is achieved in the area to be operated. Periodontal pockets in areas where esthetics is critical. ), Only gold members can continue reading. Undisplaced femoral neck fractures in children have a high risk of secondary displacement. The internal bevel incision starts from a designated area on the gingiva, and it is then directed to an area at or near the crest of the bone (Figure 57-6). Suturing techniques. Continuous, independent sling sutures are placed in both the facial and palatal areas (. Contents available in the book .. The incision is started from the greatest scallop of the gingiva around the tooth, which is usually present little distal to the mid-axis of the tooth in case of maxillary incisors and canines. 12D blade is usually used for this incision. However, there are important variations in the way these incisions are performed for the different types of flaps (Figures 59-1 and 59-2). International library review - 2022-2023| , , & - Academic Accelerator A crescent-shaped incision is sometimes used during the crown lengthening procedure. Practically, it is very difficult to put this incision because firstly, it is very difficult to keep the cutting edge of the blade at the gingival margin and secondly, the blade easily slips down into the pocket because of its close proximity to the tooth surface. Contents available in the book . To facilitate the close approximation of the flap, judicious osteoplasty, if required, is performed. In case, where osseous recontouring is done the flap margins may be re-scalloped and trimmed to adapt to the root bone junction. Hence, this suturing is mainly indicated in posterior areas where esthetics. HGF is characterized as a benign, slowly progressive, nonhemorrhagic, fibrous enlargement of keratinized gingiva.It can cover teeth in various degrees, and can lead to aesthetic disfigurement. THE UNDISPLACED FLAP TECHNIQUE Step 1: Measure pockets by periodontal probe,and a bleeding point is produced on the outer surface of the gingiva by pocket marker. As already stated, depending on the thickness of the gingiva, any of the following approaches can be used. The periodontal flap surgeries have been practiced for more than one hundred years now, since their introduction in the early 1900s. Tooth with extremely unfavorable clinical crown/root ratio. In the present discussion, we discussed various flap procedures that are used to achieve these goals. Expose the area for the performance of regenerative methods. The proper placement of the flap margin at the toothbone junction during closure is important to prevent either recurrence of the pocket or the exposure of bone. The vertical incision should be made in such a way that interdental papilla is completely preserved. Fundamental principles in periodontal plastic surgery and mucosal augmentationa narrative review. For this reason, the internal bevel incision should be made as close to the tooth as possible (i.e., 0.5mm to 1.0mm) (see Figure 59-1). The main objective of periodontal flap surgical procedures is to allow access for the cleaning of the roots of teeth and the removal of the periodontal pocket lining, as well as to treat the irregularities of the alveolar bone, so that when gingiva is repositioned around the teeth, it will allow for the reduction of pockets, infections, and inflammation. Journal of clinical periodontology. This flap procedure may be regarded as internal bevel gingivectomy because the first incision or the internal bevel incision given during this procedure is placed at the level of pocket depth (Figure 62.1), thus including all the soft tissue containing and supporting periodontal pocket. . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The external bevel incision is typically used in gingivectomy procedures. The choice of which procedure to use depends on two important anatomic landmarks: the pocket depth and the location of the mucogingival junction. Areas where greater probing depth reduction is required. The main disadvantage of this procedure is that healing in the interdental areas takes place by secondary intention. 1. Short anatomic crowns in the anterior region. Contents available in the book .. In other words, we can say that. This is mainly because of the reason that all the lateral blood supply to . Contents available in the book .. techniques revealed that 67.52% undergone kirkland flap, 20.51% undergone modified widman flap, 5.21% had papilla preservation flap, 2.25% had undisplaced flap, 1.55% had apically displaced flap and very less undergone distal wedge procedure which depicts that most commonly used flap technique was kirkland flap among other techniques. 1. This incision, together will the para-marginal internal bevel incision, forms a V-shaped wedge ending at or near the crest of bone, containing most of the inflamed and . Contents available in the book .. The local anesthetic agent is delivered to achieve profound anesthesia. At last periodontal dressing may be applied to cover the operated area. Also, complicated or prolonged surgical procedures that require full-thickness mucoperiosteal flaps with resultant edema can lead to trismus. Periodontal maintenance (Supportive periodontal therapy), Orthodontic-periodontal interrelationship, Piezosurgery in periodontics and oral implantology. Contents available in the book .. After this, partial elevation of the flap is done with the help of a small periosteal elevator. 12 blade on both the buccal and the lingual/palatal aspects continuing it interdentally extending it in the mesial and distal direction. This incision causes extensive loss of tissue and is indicated only in cases of gingival overgrowth. It is indicated when the flap has to be positioned apically and when the exposure of the bone is not required. A. In a full-thickness flap, all of the soft tissue, including the periosteum, is reflected to expose the underlying bone. The initial or internal bevel incision is made (. Undisplaced (replaced) flap This type of periodontal flap Apically positions pocket wall and preserves keratinized gingiva by apically positioning Apically displaced (positioned) flap This type of incision is used for what type of flap? After the patient has been thoroughly evaluated and pre-pared with non-surgical periodontal therapy, quadrant or area to be operated is selected. Historically, gingivectomy was the treatment of choice for these areas until 1966, when Robinson 32 addressed this problem and gave a separate surgical procedure for these areas which he termed distal wedge operation.
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