intralingual translation example

BibTeX, JabRef, Mendeley, Zotero, Intralingual Translation: An Attempt at Description, Volume 54, Number 4, dcembre 2009, pp. Typical intralingual translations instigated by the parameter of knowledge (explanatory translations) are typically of the expert-to-layman kind (patient package inserts containing information on medicine, tax leaflets based on new legislation, manuals for durable consumer goods) or childrens versions (easy-readers) of classical texts. (accessed March 4, 2023). At the same time more contemporary words and expressions have replaced older ones (several resembling the changes which were later to be made in the authorised version from 1992), everyday words have replaced more formal language and the syntax has become more straightforward resembling spoken language. a comparative analysis of strategies in text production. It was Eileen Chang ( who turned this novel in Wu dialect into modern Chinese vernacular, with different book titles as The Flowers in Blossom and The Fall of the Flowers. De skulle snart giftes. Un article de la revue Meta (Volume 54, numro 4, dcembre 2009, p. 643-890) diffuse par la plateforme rudit. A few years later, the novel was developed into a film which was directed by Hou Xiaoxian (, a famous director from Taiwan. Zethsen (2007) argues that interlingual translation has been the object of many research studies attempting to define, exemplify and systematize this type of translation, whereas intralingual translation has not drawn the same amount of academic attention. & Associates, Inc. I do believe, however, that they point in the right direction, but we need much more empirically-based research to provide a thorough and comprehensive description of intralingual translation and of the similarities and differences between intralingual and interlingual translation. Holy Bible (1611/1986): Authorised King James version. These three kinds of translation are to be differently labeled: 1) Intralingual translation or rewording is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language, 2) . Despite differences and diverse points of view among its participants, the conference was both provocative and productive. Intuitively even laymen would know what a translation is and would probably define it in a way which corresponds to the prototypical translation proper in Jakobsons terminology. This sentence provides information which is traditionally not given until verse 21. To request a reprint or corporate permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below: Please note: Selecting permissions does not provide access to the full text of the article, please see our help page How do I view content? Since translation deals with transfer of meaning, and semantics is the study of meaning, we cannot study translation without some knowledge of semantics. On the face of it, the main difference between the two kinds of translation is the involvement in interlingual translation of two different national languages. Examples. What is Translation (Definition & Meaning) | Lexika The disturbances mentioned are under these two condition such as: interlingual interference (also known as transfer between languages) and intralingual interference (also known as transfer in one. We can all, Im sure, think of multiple terms to describe human excrement and if they dont come to mind, do ask your nearest 5-6 year olds and youll have a full list in no time but in his exploration of the language of landscape, nature writer Robert MacFarlane unearthed a surprising number of forgotten English terms for animal dung. The source texts in this case can be a classic text, or Complete equivalence as well as absolute synonymy is very rare (if it exists at all) and this fundamental dilemma of interpretation is shared by rewording as well as translation proper (Steiner 1975: 261): What Jakobson calls rewording an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs in the same language in fact raises issues of the same order as translation proper (Steiner 1975: 414). Intralingual and intersemiotic translation - FutureLearn PDF Basics of Translation - Cambridge Scholars Publishing The novel had been neglected by the major scholars for a couple of decades until it was discovered by Lu Xun () and Hu Shi(). Learn more about how FutureLearn is transforming access to education. This definition is quite clear, but unlike the case of translation proper where numerous efforts are made to further define and exemplify what constitutes translation proper in the real world, it is not possible to find more than stray sentences as regards intralingual translation. The problem of synonymy in interlingual translation (how to establish the meaning of and choose between synonyms, whether to make use of loan words or calques, etc.) Maria og Josef gav ham navnet Jesus, sdan som englen havde sagt de skulle. There are only two omissions in the text; the name Nazareth and the fact that Joseph and Maria were engaged. The subjective comments in the above examples reflect a political/feminist agenda from the 1970s. The most interesting findings of the analyses and of the comparison with interlingual translation is firstly the strong tendency of intralingual translation to involve a form of simplification a strategy which is not so often applied as the overall skopos of a translation proper. However, it is suggested that the de facto degree of freedom is larger in intralingual translation than in most instances of translation proper. Taking China as an example, the intralingual translation was used for the construction of modern vernacular. Where does translation stop and something else take over, e.g. Please note: Selecting permissions does not provide access to the full text of the article, please see our help page The empirical work of this article is considered as a first attempt of a concrete, general description of the characteristics of and the microstrategies involved in intralingual translation. The most classic example of interlingual translation is "The cat is on the table" - "Il gatto sul tavolo". English, German, French, Swedish and Norwegian as well as other Danish versions (Jeppesen 1990: 23-24). Education Sciences | Free Full-Text | Effectiveness of Subtitles in L2 The first is its referential function. Kakridis (1901-92), who, for the first time, wrote a book entitled The Translation Problem (To Metafrastiko Provlima). Toury (1986: 1113) mentions interdialectal translation as a borderline case and also Pym (1992: 25) argues that there is no strict cut-off point. The translation may be purely intralingual and solely rely on a former version in the same language or the source text may consist of both a former version and the original text (as is the case with the 1948 and 1992 authorised versions, for instance), thus involving intralingual as well as interlingual translation[12]. Many translation scholars rely on Jakobsons three kinds of translation for their definitions of what constitutes translation, but de facto they mostly focus exclusively on Jakobsons concept of interlingual translation. The Bible as a source text is a complicated matter though because of the interlingual translation which is also involved. Once Jakobsons seminal text with its very broad philosophical and hermeneutic definition of translation has served its purpose of defining translation, authors quickly move on to the field of translation proper, or to the restricted area of translation proper which has their particular interest. Copenhagen: Det Danske Bibelselskab. What Is Interlingual Translation? - On Secret Hunt Here the source text can be described in words and then translated into an image or visual narrative that may release a similar message as the original words while also creating new meanings and associations. ), these examples demonstrate how language does not just explain but helps generate meanings and bring new energy to familiar entities. intralingual - definition and meaning As argued above, these activities share family resemblances with translation proper, but is it possible to get closer to a more detailed account of their general characteristics? Intralingual translations instigated by the parameter of space (reducing/extending translations) are typically various kinds of summarizing (such as prcis-writing, shortened versions of classical texts such as easy-readers, news reporting or subtitling for the deaf (Snell-Hornby 2006: 21) or extension/addition, which is typically seen when explanation is needed due to comprehension limits in the target group caused by time, culture or lack of knowledge. The above constitutes a description of translation which, though not as broad as Steiners all-embracing hermeneutic approach, still sees the phenomenon of translation as much more fundamental to human communication than more traditional translation studies definitions. This type of translation is often considered the hardest or most comprehensive, as the translator . Parents and primary teachers ask pupils to learn and recite the texts, which are difficult even for adults. A translator can take, in this case, the advantage of previous intralingual translations as a remedy for his interpretation of classic Chinese texts. We use cookies to improve your website experience. The aim is to make the text understandable and interesting especially to the young members of a family.[10]. Two features differ significantly from all the other intralingual translations, including the other Bible for children, namely firstly the fact that the structure of the text has been changed radically and does not follow the traditional structure (restructuring of the order of information is also seen in the family Bible from 1973, but in this version for very small children the restructuring is much more radical) and secondly that quite a number of content omissions have been made. RIS However, despite Jakobson's classical definition, intralingual translation or rewording is extremely peripheral to translation studies, more so than it deserves, and the relationship between interlingual and intralingual translation is a neglected area of research, as is a thorough description of intralingual translation; PDF Weak Translation Problems - a case study of Scriptural Translation v3 Munday argues that intralingual translation is used to achieve an easier reading for children. Strategie di traduzione - TRANSLATION STRATEGIES Equation and In translation studies, a distinction can be made between interlingual translation and intralingual translation, depending on whether translation occurs between two languages or in one language. These are delivered one step at a time, and are accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop, so you can fit learning around your life. A good sample is Bangqing Hans Sing-song Girls of Shanghai. intralingual translation - English definition, grammar, pronunciation Now Maria loved a man called Joseph. Obtain permissions instantly via Rightslink by clicking on the button below: If you are unable to obtain permissions via Rightslink, please complete and submit this Permissions form. According to Shuttleworth (1997: 88), Jakobson, by producing his three categories, simply suggested that translation belongs to a group of interlinked phenomena between which one can find family resemblances and Tymoczko (1998, 2005) argues for a broad perception of translation and suggests that we regard translation as a cluster concept which has to be defined non-finitely in line with Wittgensteins concept of family resemblance. The entire text is one long paraphrase, not a single phrase is identical to the 1948 version. On the basis of the above, I therefore encourage translation scholars to carry out research within the field. When planning this case study, a number of different examples of intralingual translation were considered. Intralingual vs. Interlingual translaiton - a comparative analysis of strategies in text production In translation studies, a distinction can be made between interlingual translation and intralingual translation, depending on whether translation occurs between two languages or in one language. The analyses on which this article is based were carried out on a limited number of texts and the characteristics found cannot necessarily be generalised to all kinds of intralingual translation. Are the strategies applied in intralingual translation different from those applied in interlingual translation? To get a feel for it, look at the following dialogue: Policeman: There. some kind of relevant similarity exists between the source and the target texts. The only thing that remains from verse 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David) is the fact that Joseph and Maria are going to Bethlehem, everything else has been omitted. On the basis of the case study and assisted by introspection and the more or less stray sentences of the literature referred to above, the main factors that seem to be influential in intralingual translation (and at the same time, the very reasons for the existence of intralingual translation) have been examined. This relationship can take many forms and by no means rests on the concept of equivalence, but rather on the skopos of the target text. It should be noted though that the general consensus today about the benefits of functional translations in many cases gives room for a much broader perception of what constitutes translation. Three levels of translation: intralingual. Teachers can make use of the simplified or paraphrased version for teaching in class, a kind of practice which would otherwise be done in a senior stage. 3099067 When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Viborg: Det Danske Bibelselskab. In this approach, the source language, i.e. In addition, this may entail that there is also more room for interpretation, and perhaps even a certain degree of subjectivity, in intralingual translation (the extremely subjective additions in the family Bible would certainly not be deemed acceptable in interlingual translation, but probably not in the majority of intralingual translations either! Og det skete, medens de var der, kom tiden, da hun skulle fde. To this end, five different versions of the same text have been analysed. ThoughtCo. 15 slides Approaches of translation Montasser Mahmoud 38.9k views 21 slides Foreignization & domestication abdelbaar 17.2k views 26 slides Types of translation Rita Vazquez Rojas 12.4k views 10 slides Pedagogical stylistics Belachew Weldegebriel 3.8k views 9 slides More Related Content Slideshows for you (20) Methods Of Translation . Jakobson builds on Pierces theory of signs and meaning and postulates that the meaning of any linguistic sign is its translation into some further, alternative sign (Jakobson 1959/2000: 114). Unlike translation proper, intralingual translation is a rewriting or paraphrasing within the same language system. A transfer has taken place and the target text has been derived from the source text (resulting in a new product in another language, genre or medium), i.e. However, I have never seen a detailed, empirically-based attempt to describe the general characteristics of intralingual translation and the strategies employed or compare it with interlingual translation. Korning [] and Joseph made a bed for the child in the manger. When planning this case study, a number of different examples of intralingual translation were considered. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, Furthermore, that word exists within a multidimensional matrix that defines the four salient (for the Tofa people) parameters of reindeer: age, sex, fertility, and rideability. Bibelen (1948): (The 1948 Danish authorised version of the Bible.) Close attention has been paid to the authorised version, no major additions or paraphrasing have taken place, though some explicitation has been made (objective additions). I would like to think that intralingual skills are included in the term intercultural communication, if we do not limit our definition of intercultural to mainly a question of national culture (see Zethsen 2010 forthcoming). intralingual translation or rewording is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language; interlingual translation or translation proper is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language; However, there are lots of less obvious examples, especially when it comes to ambiguous or idiomatic sentences, such as sayings, which are often hard to translate While the average reader is aware that the two varieties of English exist, s/he is usually less aware of the fact that an edition of a British novel purchased on the other side of the Atlantic will have often . Holmes (1972/2000) encourages us to describe, explain and predict, but to my knowledge the literature does not offer a systematic empirically-based account of intralingual translation, so this is what will be attempted in the following. (*date) I will *keep money for a house. Similarities as well as differences between rewording and translation proper are discussed, the conclusion being that the differences between intralingual and interlingual translation seem to be more a question of degree than of kind. Intralingual translation - translating verbal signs into other signs of the same language. However, nothing in the description should be considered necessary or sufficient to define translation. Contemporary synonyms have replaced older ones and a more modern and less stilted syntax has been used. What is so remarkable here is that this illusory effect conceals the numerous conditions under which the translation is made . To this end, the goal was to find a text which exists in many (available) versions and the Bible was an obvious choice it allows the study of a whole range of intralingual translations originating from the same basic content. The parameter of time is of course related to the parameters of culture and knowledge, but in this case it is the diachronic factor which results in the lack of knowledge or cultural understanding; this is the reason for the new authorised version from 1992, for example, and is an important element in the everyday version (even in cases where a reader is able to read and understand the old authorised version from 1948, it will take him less time to process the everyday version). The length is almost the same, namely 88 words. Old and complex expressions are replaced by simpler contemporary ones. The novel, completed at the end of the 19th century, was a book of legendary, which inquiries into the moral and psychological consequences of desire. The purpose of my study is to gain knowledge about the strategies that are used in text production by professional text producers, on the one hand, and students on the other. As a result, intralingual translation is provided for kids to have a better understanding of the source texts. All utterances which are presented or regarded as such within the target culture, on no matter what grounds (Toury 1995: 32). Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks. (Yang Zijian, Citation2005:62). A legendary story in dialects has finally been developed into the legendary world of intralingual, interlingual and inter-semiotic translations. seem to be much more radical than what is seen in the majority of interlingual translations. I completely agree, and this is why I think that by neglecting a whole strand of translation activities (which may not be translation proper but which nevertheless share strong family resemblances), we lose out on useful insights. . We therefore acknowledge our responsibility in the editorial interpretation of the source text The translation is thus a free translation, neither a word-for-word translation, nor a paraphrase.[11]. Dans le prsent article, nous soutenons que la traduction intralinguale doit faire partie intgrante de la traductologie en raison de ses multiples similarits avec la traduction interlinguale. Bibelen (1992): (The 1992 Danish authorised version of the Bible.) Routledge, 1995), "Here, then, is the full process of translation. The witness is intimidated by the formality of the court setting, and assumes that the unfamiliar word, 'fracas', is a polite euphemism.

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intralingual translation example