initiative progressive era quizlet

the banning of the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages. D. displayed support for using federal authority to create social change. Read 'Chicago' and 'Wilderness' by Carl Sandburg and answer the following question. A. first began to take shape during the progressive era. Many progressives, such as Lincoln Steffens, believed that the first target of reform should be Legislative referendum was proposed by Thomas Jefferson in 1775, for Virginia's state constitution. The words listed below appear in "A Problem." The use of the initiative and referendum (I&R) process has ebbed and flowed throughout U.S. history. Swiftly to cancel the folly of stubborn men. Members of the populist and progressive movements were dissatisfied with the government; they felt that wealthy special interest groups controlled the government and that citizens had no power to break this control. For Lodes Company, the relevant range of production is 4080% of capacity. Education. While progressivism has many meanings, it tended in this period to be based on the central assumption that, 2. 67. It has now been adopted in various forms by 24 states and numerous local governments. D. meatpacking industry. the more money you make, the higher a percentage you pay the government, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. All three were enacted during the Progressive Era under Governor Hiram Johnson in 1911. C. became increasingly concerned with cultural activities. Progressivism. E. All these answers are correct. \hspace{10pt}\text{8\\\%}&\\ E. All these answers are correct. wrote the utopian novel "Looking Backward, 2000-1887," in 1888. CORRECT Initiative,Referendum,Recall. When the shuffling feature was first introduced, many users complained that the algorithm was not working. 16. \text{Lease term}& -forbade the transportation among states of products of factories, shops or canneries employing children under 14 years of age D. the garment industry. a year ago. Oh quickly! 49. The 1916 Keating-Owen Act was the first federal law regulating A. he was a champion of labor unions. C. increased schooling for children. C. the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. 41. Terms in this set (67) Progressive Movement. B. William Howard Taft. 2 and end to racial discrimination the right of citizens to place a measure or issue before the voters or the legislature for approval, Voters could remove elected officials through early elections, became the 26th President of the U.S. after President Mckinley, came from a wealthy NY family. E. A. Mitchell Palmer. B. should be destroyed. D. was regulated by a board whose members were elected by Congress. \\ Answer each question that follows. Recall. E. created sixteen regional banks. In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was reluctant to become a candidate for president because E. None of these answers is correct. \text{The collectibility of the lease payments by Mooney is probable. What is the importance of progressive invention? It is hard to deny the heart! -protects consumers from business fraud. D. the Midwest. There were separate amendments for initiative and popular referendum in Idaho. Sullivan Temperance Movement. The measures were put on the ballot by petition of I&R advocates, using a statewide, nonbinding advisory initiative process established by the legislature in 1901. 64. Definition: allows the people (5% of voters in the last gubernatorial election) to bypass the legislators and propose a new statute, ordinance, or constitutional amendment to be placed on the ballot for . Accomplishments: NAACP,National Consumers League, Won passage of Illinois Factory Act. D. state legislatures. [ 95 CHORAgOS. 0. And it must be done at once: God moves -won a 2nd term by promosting to keep the U.S out of the war in Europe. The issues have tended to cluster within several subject areas. New Hampshire followed in 1792. A. a large majority of states gave some voting rights to women. In automobiles? Then, explain how the meaning of the underlined word influences your answer. Progressives were interested in establishing a more transparent and accountable government which would work to improve U.S. society. Apply today! A. decided to expand his progressive reform efforts. During the early twentieth century, the Industrial Workers of the World Does the vertical analysis indicate a favorable or unfavorable trend? On a separate piece of paper, write the best possible answer for each one. B. validated an expansion of congressional authority. aimed to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life. The voting within these town hall meetings established a precedent for the legislative referendum process, which allows citizens to ratify laws and amendments proposed by their elected officials. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. New York State barred factories from employing women under the age of sixteen. That is true. initiative progressive era quizlet Navigation Services; Case; Leadership; Contact E. women began gaining the right to divorce in many states. One year later, Oklahoma became the first state to include the initiative and popular referendum in its original constitution. Maine and Michigan passed initiative and popular referendum amendments in 1908, and California placed initiative and popular referendum in its constitution in 1911. Democrat picked him as their candidate, he was a progressive. In the 1902 strike by the United Mine Workers, President Theodore Roosevelt During the progressive era, the women's club movement 2. First National Bank has no knowledge that the instrument was incomplete when issued or that Hayden had no authority to complete the instrument in the amount of $5,000\$5,000$5,000. C. struck down reform legislation. In the 21st century, a movement that identifies as progressive is a social or political movement that aims to represent the interests of ordinary people through political change and the support of government actions. E. move city elections to presidential years in order to increase turnout. Which strategy should one of the top four brands listed in the Farm Equipment survey use when attempting to gain new customers from its competitors? Although the rules vary state-by-state, the initiative process generally allows citizens to bypass their elected representatives, propose laws, place them on the . For more information on the database, contact Ken Miller at, Kravis Center, Fourth Floor wrote "How the Other Half Lives" that told the public about the lives of the immigrants and those who lived in the tenement housing. \hline \hline 26. Progressivism holds that it is possible to improve human societies through political action. C. the "New Freedom" and the "New Nationalism." Get a constitutional Amendment to allow women to vote. B. grew stronger. D. higher levels of education. -the election of 1912 weakened the progressive wing of the Republican party for many years. 48. (has passed, have passed), 1. E. None of these answers is correct. 100% remote. The data from the strongest initiative states confirm that courts have exercised an extremely powerful and important check on the initiative process. Health, welfare and morals The founder of the NAACP who encouraged African Americans to fight to end segregation. - this began the Niagara Movement called for: -because of his unwillingness to compromise on principle, he earned the nickname "Fighting Bob" The database provides comprehensive information on initiative litigation in the five strongest initiative states (CA, OR, WA, CO, and AZ). Categories . The Fruit Barn buys oranges for $0.33 a dozen. 20 Questions Show answers. A. passed a graduated income tax. South Dakota became the first state to adopt the statewide initiative and popular referendum process in 1898. Prepare a vertical analysis of Bradford Companys income statements. A. Gifford Pinchot. In 1998, voters in 16 states with an initiative on the ballot went to the polls at a rate almost 3 percent greater than voters in the states without an initiative on the ballot. B. state governments. During the progressive era, the "new woman" was a product of The main objective of the Progressive movement was eliminating corruption in government. C. should exist only if they benefited the middle class. In the election of 1908, William Howard Taft D. many conservative Republicans asked him to seek the nomination of the party. D. were attacked by progressive reformers, and gradually became less powerful as time went on. In 1913, to offset the loss of revenues from other legislation, Congress Limited rights of blacks. E. Woodrow Wilson won only a plurality of the popular vote. 32. A. would end future political scandals. A. the federal government. a policy based on the idea that government sould play as small a role as possible in the ecomony, second progressive president from 1909-1913, two leading American advocates of pragmatist philosophy, defined "truth", "good" could not be known in fixed shapes, people should experiment with laws and things, discovered ways of organizing people in the most efficient manner, scientific management system, went along with Progressives view of more efficient government, The History of the Standard Oil Company 1901, established a personal following as governor, "Wisconsin Idea", became president at 42, youngest, most athletic, vigor, believed the president should do more than lead executive, thought it his job to set legislative agenda, Roosevelt was first president to enforce Sherman Antitrust, busted Northern Securities Company, took action against Standard Oil and 40 other large corporations, not all trusts were ad, 1906 commission could fix "just and reasonable" rates for railroads, written by Upton Sinclair, described the horrors of Chicago stockyards and meatpacking industry, public outcry led t new laws, forbade the manufacture, sale, and transportation of adulterated or mislabeled foods and drugs, provided that federal inspectors visit meatpacking plants to ensure that they met minimum standards of sanitation, raised the tariff on most imports, angered Progressives when Taft signed it, even publicly defnded it, third party that ran Roosevelt in 1912, Roosevelt felt as strong as a "bull moose", limit both big business and big government, bring about reform by ending corruption, revive competition by supporting small business, grew up in Virginia during Civil War, first Southerner since Taylor, idealistic, intellectual, righteous, inflexible, believed President should lead actively and appeal directly to people to rally support for legislation, this act divided the nation into 12 banking districts, each served by a private regional federal reserve bank, Wilson called special session to Congress to lower tariffs, addressed Congress directly, substantially lowered tariffs for first time in 50 years, increased income tax rate, act greatly strengthened provisions in Sherman Antitrust for breaking up monopolies, clause exempting unions from being prosecuted as trusts, new regulatory agency empowered to investigate and take action against "unfair trade practice" in every industry except banking and transportation, measure favored by settlement house workers and labor unions, prohibited the shipment in interstate commerce of products manufactured by children under 14 years old, found to be unconstitutional in Hammer v. Dagenhart, "separate but equal", racial segregation was made legal, thousands of blacks lynched in South, Progressives shared general prejudice of times, considered tariff reforms and others more important, took 10 years and 40,000 Americans at a cost of $400M and it linked ocean to ocean, African American progressive who supported segregation and demanded that African American better themselves individually to achieve equality, northerner with college education, "Souls of Black Folk" criticized Washington's approach, demanded equal rights for African-Americans, argued that political and social rights were prerequisite for economic independence, Du Bois met with a group of black intellectuals to discuss a program of protest and action aimed at securing equal rights for blacks, 1908 organization founded by Du Bois and others, mission was to abolish all forms of segregation and to increase educational opportunities for African-American children, nation's largest civil rights organization, The Gilded Age: The West and Industrialization, HBSE Chapter 11 Terms - Conception, Birth, In, HBSE Terms: Chapter 5 - The Spiritual Person, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Chapter 3 -- A Decade of European Community I, ECO220 Final Exam CHAPTER REVIEWS - Ch 10, 11. A. c. initiative, referendum, and recall. The laws of the gods are mighty, and a man must serve them To the last day of his life! Nevadas 1905 amendment secured only the popular referendum process. As an environmental conservationist, President Theodore Roosevelt In lines 686-868, what do "they" tell the speaker about Chicago? Voters, rather than politicians, would choose candidates for public office, created a Civil Service Commission that gave exams and selected government employees based on merit. B. the federal government, because it exerted great power in the western states. Also that year, a combined amount of more than 14,000 laws and resolutions were adopted by state legislators in those same states.[13]. E. philanthropic organizations. E. former supporters of Roosevelt rally behind Taft. D. both because the war generated anti-radical feelings in the country, and because the Socialist Party supported Germany. Explain. How? It sought to use the government to improve human welfare, and they fought monopolies, corruption, inefficiency, and social injustice. A. was secretary of state. 24. An addition was suggested: Amendments could be added to the constitution once a petition signed by the majority of voters in each county called for a convention. 3. a 1913 law that set up a system of federal banks and gave government the power to control the money supply, law that weakened monopolies and upheld the rights of unions and farm organizations, law intended to promote free competition in the market place by outlawing monopolies. the political orientation of those who favor progress toward better conditions in government and society, shared goals of limiting big business, improving democracy, strengthening social justice, Progressive movement came chiefly from middle-class residents of US cities, doctors, lawyers, ministers, storekeepers, white-collar office workers, middle managers, took their civil responsibilities seriously, missionary spirit, had strong leaders in Roosevelt and La Follette and Bryan and Wilson. C. private contractors. -Changed the way people viewed the role of the government. He insisted that education should be child centered and that schools should build character, teach good citizenship, and be instruments of social reform. The initiative process is allowed in at least 24 states, but more than 60 percent of initiative activity has occurred in just six states: Arizona, California, Colorado, North Dakota, Oregon and Washington. The initiative process increased in 1978, after the passage of Californias Proposition 13. President William H. Taft fire Pinchot for insubordination. jolivarez_79258. -cities supported social welfare programs, an important political aim of the Progressive movement was to stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative, the referendum, and recall

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initiative progressive era quizlet